Chapter 18 - Rebirth of a Goddess

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The Three Kingdoms - Chapter 0 (Chapter) ←← {{{3}}}Chapter 17 - Liberty Comes At A Price

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One By One[edit | edit source]

The six of them left the broken Thunder Child out the back. The northwards pointing ship had landed on its right side on the road next to a large car park directly to the east. Buildings surrounded the car park to the east and south, a steel barrier running across the west side with two exits at the north and south. However, the north exit was blocked by the Thunder Child. Cirno took the lead, running round the Thunder Child towards the north side of the car park. Both the personnel door and the shutter door to the right were wide open, the lights inside still on. Naluri, Ritsu and Santiago had their weapons drawn, looking around. Solace had her eyes fixed upwards at the angry face of Galactus. He was slowly shrinking, either literally or was moving backwards. Then without warning, the ground shook violently when a massive brown spire crashed into the south-eastern corner of the car park, Cirno and Solace both falling over.

"Cirno, Sasaki, Santiago!" cried Ritsu, backing up to the shutter door, her glare fixed on the spire, "Get in there and find the DeLorean. Quick!" Santiago picked up Cirno and ran into the garage followed by Sasaki.

Solace rolled onto her back to look at the spire, "Harbinger." Harbinger was a reaper, huge and highly intelligent machines comprised of organic and synthetic material, Harbinger resembling a Reaper Cuttlefish in shape. He had completely crushed the buildings in the corner, dwarfing all others. Solace flipped onto her feet and the three of them waited for Harbinger's first move.

Then Naluri noticed that Harbinger was injecting something into the air. An image of a flying insect appeared on her helmet's monitor. "It's a Collector Seeker Swarm." Seeker Swarms search for organic targets and sting them, trapping them in a state of paralysis.

Ritsu gritted her teeth, "I hate the damn things..." Still with her pistols in her hands, she raised them in front of her, a blue biotic field expanding round her and covering both entrances into the garage, capable of preventing swarms from reaching them. But then, something metallic crashed into the ground in front of her. Her eyes widened, "Doom-" Doom threw a heavy punch into Ritsu's abdomen, his metal armour causing major damage in addition to Ritsu's earlier injuries. Ritsu reeled forward, coughing out blood, the biotic field instantly collapsing. Doom followed by circling a leg under Ritsu's, tripping her back, and slammed her into the ground. He began to walk calmly into the garage before Solace and Naluri could even turn their heads to react.

"It's over here!" called Sasaki, pulling open the door to the DeLorean, one of the cars further into the garage. Cirno ran up to her.

Santiago briefly looked out the shutter door to see Doom walking in, "The two of you get in! Set the time up!" He raised his revolver and fired several shots but they just bounced harmlessly off Doom's mask. Doom raised his right hand at Santiago when a cord suddenly wrapped round his wrist, pulling his arm back. He looked back to see Naluri pulling at the grappling hook with all her might. Laughing, he pulled back using the strength of a single arm, jerking Naluri clean off her feet. However, Solace managed to grab onto the cable before Naluri passed her and tugged. The Super Driver's power reversed the situation, Doom being yanked back and dragged back into the car park. Reacting to the circumstances, Doom rose back to his feet as he was being pulled and rose his left untied hand at Solace and fired a blue burst of high voltage electricity, Solace unable to defend in time.

Before the blue bolt hit Solace, a shining green beam of light hit the ground in front of her, reminding Solace of Megaman's method of teleportation, completely absorbing the shock. The light began to take form, as Doom continued sliding towards them, and kicked him in the face. Doom, unbalanced, fell backwards onto the ground, spinning past them into the centre of the car park. He rose to his feet to see Gumi step in between him and Solace who was attending to Ritsu.

"Gumi," spoke Doom, "You finally show yourself." He did not move as the Seeker Swarm approached, knowing his armour protected him from the swarm's effect. Gumi looked different, the main differences being a pink transparent visor over her eyes and two floating carrot halves, most likely cannons. "I admit, Teto had me fooled. She's an UTAU and never had Vocaloid access codes and your Vocaloid subordinates don't need codes, their supervisors pass them on remotely. The Black Squad all destroyed their cards and Sora didn't have them. Which leaves you."

Gumi said and did absolutely nothing. She knew Doom was just waiting for the swarm to close in and she knew that Doom was aware that Rin was still functional in the Thunder Child, hoping to lure Gumi into a false sense of security. Preventing time travel appeared to be their number one priority. Despite this, Gumi could do nothing against such a big and dense swarm. However, this wasn't her job. Slamming, feet first into the ground next to Gumi, Nagato Yuki stood up straight and pointed a hand up at the swarm. With Yuki speaking incredibly quickly under her breath, rapid firing white beams of light sped towards each and every single insect of the swarm, effortlessly eradicating the entire group.

Yuki turned to Ritsu whose abdomen wound had reopened, her shirt stained once again with wet blood, more blood covering her face. Ritsu was clearly in terrible pain, her breathing heavy and irregular. "I'm sorry," apologised Yuki, "A reconstruction of your body is not possible without a digital environment."

Ritsu could only smile in reply. She took hold of something behind her back and slowly slid the Hand Canon to Naluri who was frantically preparing bandages. Naluri tensely looked at Ritsu who shook her head and closed her eyes.

"I've set the time!" called Sasaki from the inside of the car, the liquid Hakurei Barrier adapting to the inside of the car, "Now we can prepare the power." Cirno was already sat in the passenger seat.

Santiago was looking around the back of the vehicle, "How?"

"There's a coffee machine thing on the back that can run on trash," explained Sasaki getting out of the car, her Barrier momentarily engulfing the entire vehicle, "It should say Mr. Fusion on it." When Sasaki reached the back of the car, Santiago looked at Sasaki who was staring at the back. "It's... It's not here," she realised in horror.

"What else can power the car?"

"Plutonium," answered Sasaki, thinking hard, "And lightning."

Santiago looked out the shutter door, "You don't suppose we could trick Doom into attacking the DeLorean?"

"... I don't think he's that stupid."

Doom was clearly unnerved by Yuki's sudden appearance. He lifted both hands up at Yuki and shot electricity at her. However, the bolts travelled in bent arcs, hitting Gumi instead who appeared to be acting as a lightning rod and was seemingly unaffected by the surge of voltage. Realising that things were not going to plan, Doom took a giant leap back onto the southern building. "Galactus, take care of them!"

"It's over!" shouted Galactus, his speech causing a considerable wind in the area. To everyone's surprise, he grabbed Harbinger, his hand dwarfing the Reaper, and threw him over his shoulder, Harbinger uncontrollably spinning into the far distances of outer space.

Doom was taken aback, "What?! Galactus, Harbinger is an ally!"

Galactus was huffing angrily, "I have lost my patience with you."

"We had an agreement! We can fulfil your hunger if you cooperate!"

"You inferiors could never satisfy my hunger. I could devour Earth right now if I wanted," threatened Galactus, "But I would have no other planets to devour."

"Betraying us will not fix that," declared Doom.

Galactus smirked, "Hmph. There is one that can satisfy my hunger. I would like to see Haruhi's return."

Doom took a step back, "What? Do you not want free will? Where is your pride as an individual? Where is your pride as a living being?"

Galactus lifted his right hand up, "Pride does not give me food!" he roared and threw his hand down towards Doom. The slam was intercepted by the two floating white gloves, Master Hand and Crazy Hand, each grabbing a finger. With a growl, Galactus brought his left arm up to pull the Hands off but Andross intervened with two floating hands of his own, pulling back at Galactus' arm.

Doom looked back down towards the car park where Yuki was placing Ritsu's body upright against the wall between the two doors, "We don't have time," he ordered, "They must be stopped."

"And Gumi?" asked Magneto, walking next to him.

"As long as we have Rin, Gumi's wellbeing doesn't matter."

"Good," responded Magneto, pointing a hand towards Gumi, who turned to look in his direction. But before he could use his powers, the Thunder Child fired multiple shells in his direction with its single cannon, forcing Magneto to divert his attention towards the incoming projectiles, stopping them in midair. However, as the Thunder Child had demonstrated earlier that evening, it was capable of prematurely exploding its shells, levelling the building Magneto and Doom were standing on. Before the dust and smoke could settle, the Alien Queen and Beast Ganon rushed out at full speed at the garage defenders. Gumi raised her canons to fire when the Triforce of Power on the back of Ganon's paw shone brightly, sending a strong invisible force towards the garage, the entire building shaking in its foundations. The force pushed Gumi, Yuki and Naluri backwards but Solace and the Super Driver stood firm. Allowing the Alien Queen to run straight up and catch her in her jaws.

Ganon ran past them and reverted to his human form, using the momentum to slide on both feet into the garage. As he entered, he slammed a fist down on the door controls, smashing the console into a pulp. The shutter door slowly began to close. As soon as Ganondorf lifted his head up, he was hit by a speeding orange car, the vehicle driving though the doorway into the car park. It avoided the defenders of the garage and screeched to a halt, sending Ganondorf tumbling away back southwards. Santiago stepped on the pedal of The General Lee again, performing a quick doughnut to gather acceleration before driving at the Alien Queen.

But Magneto had recovered his bearings, walking out the dust cloud, hand raised at the The General Lee. The car swerved, completely missing the Alien Queen before coming off the ground completely. As the Thunder Child fired once more, Magneto hovered The General Lee between the ship and himself. Santiago could easily see the projectiles rapidly approaching and bent over into the passenger's seat, even though he knew it was useless.

"No!" cried Sasaki, running up to the ruined control console, "We need the door open! We can't reach the 88mph we need to travel back."

Outside, Gumi jumped onto her feet, backflipping under the shutter door, stopping the door on her shoulders, "Sasaki, just get the DeLorean outside!"

"But we can't power the flux capacitor!"

"I'll deal with that!" Gumi demanded, one of her cannons pointing at the Alien Queen.

The Alien Queen was unable to sink her teeth into Solace, the Super Driver spreading the force across Solace's body but it was not without pain as the pressure reignited Solace's headache, blurring her vision. Teeth gritted, Solace used her hands to slowly pull apart the Queen's jaws, the Queen howling in protest. The Queen began violently shaking her head, Solace's agony increasing, forcing her to close her eyes. Realising that her chances were slim if she didn't try something different, Solace drew her head back and headbutted the Queen in the skull with all her might. The Queen loosened her grip in shock from the attack combined with a sudden laser blast from Gumi, Solace rolling onto the ground, close to passing out.

Suddenly, a large metal object stepped on The General Lee's bonnet, smashing the windscreen and sending the car back down to the ground with a crash, the shells flying straight over the vehicle much to Magneto's surprise. But before the shells could explode, Palpatine stepped forward next to Magneto, hands stretched towards the projectiles. The shells slowed a halt but unlike before did not explode, Palpatine's use of the Force sabotaging the remote detonation. Santiago looked out what used to be the windscreen to see a towering metallic walking tank with a foot on the hood of The General Lee. Metal Gear REX let out an extremely loud roar, unnerving Palpatine, its mouth opening to reveal Nitori in the operator's seat. Making use of the distracted Palpatine, REX used the Vulcan gatling guns on its shoulder to fire upon the floating shells, forcing them to explode, once again clouding the area in dust and smoke.

Doom pulled Ganondorf to his feet. Ganondorf groaned, annoyed with all the unexpected entrance of REX into the fight, "Why do they have other allies?"

"Nitori, Gumi and Yuki managed to escape our roundup of their administrations," explained Doom, noticing Gumi holding open the shutter door, "They must have intercepted Sora's transmissions from the helicarrier somehow to know their plan to time travel. Go and help the Queen, We'll take care of Gumi."

Yuki was pulling the dizzy Solace away from the downed Queen when Beast Ganon charged at her. Placing Solace down, Yuki was prepared. Ganon's Triforce lit up once more sending out another shockwave but Yuki stood firm, meeting Ganon head on, hands against his head. Her lips moving quickly once more, Yuki summoned white bonds round his body to secure him to the ground. But before she could tighten them, Ganon reverted back to his human form and grabbed Yuki's face before she could react. He lifted her of the ground, laughed and shocked her with purple electricity, causing Yuki extreme pain though she was not every vocal about it.

The dust cloud was suddenly blown away from the inside, revealing both Magneto and Palpatine as well as Super Skrull, all unharmed. Super Skrull laughed at Nitori and REX before extending both his arms onto REX's shoulders and with a quick jerk, slammed the Metal Gear face down into the ground.

Naluri, unstablised by Ganon's second shockwave, took too long to realise that the Alien Queen had recovered and was charging at her. Under pressure, Naluri summoned a golf club, whacking the fast approaching head of the Queen on the side. The Queen lost her balance but continued her forward momentum, falling onto Naluri. Her head was bleeding due to Solace's and Naluri's assault, the acidic blood dripping on the ground dangerously close to Naluri's face. She raised her head, drool falling on the frightened Naluri. The Queen lunged her jaws down.

Gumi charged her cannons when she felt something tugging her forward. She was suddenly pulled off her feet away from the shutter door, sliding across the rough ground of the car park to Magneto who stepped on her neck, all but ready to crush her with his magnetism.

"Sasaki!" called Cirno, in panic from the door controls, "Gumi got pulled away from the door! It's closing again!"

Sasaki was reversing the DeLorean out of its parked place, "Try to freeze it in place!" she called back.

Cirno pointed her hands at the door, ice appearing underneath to one side, leaving enough room for a car to pass through. There was a brief pause as the shutter stopped but the ice was unable to hold, shattering under the strain and it continued to lower. Looking around in a state of alarm, Cirno spotted a familiar red van.

Santiago once again put the pedal to the metal of The General Lee, REX no longer stepping on the bonnet. Doing another doughnut to turn around, he charged at Doom, who was running towards the garage.

Palpatine noticed The General Lee and cast Force lightning towards the speeding vehicle. However, he had not observed Doom's earlier attempts to throw lightning, the dark blue electricity arcing round and hitting Gumi instead, shocking Magneto in the process. Taking advantage of this, Gumi took hold of his foot and twisted it, Magneto stumbling off Gumi. She followed by using her rocket boots to spin on the ground, throwing Magneto further southwards. She was noticeably leaving pink smears on the ground.

Doom spotted the incoming car and prepared for a head on collision to stop the car. However, Santiago gave the steering wheel a sharp turn to the right, the car turning to the right but continuing to skid towards Doom. Santiago drew his revolver with his left hand out the window and fired several shots, the high power weapon forcing the surprised Doom to stumble back and hence unable to prepare for the sideways collision of The General Lee, launching Doom back several metres. Having made the sideways turn, the car lost little acceleration and Santiago circled round for another go.

Ganondorf was suddenly hit on the side of the head, causing him to stop shocking Yuki. Glaring he looked in the direction the impact came from, he saw Solace up on her feet around ten metres away with a dazed but determined expression on her face. She drew a fist and literally threw a punch crossing the gap between them, her fist disappearing for a very short moment. Ganondorf was knocked in the face with the invisible punch. With his eyes closed, he felt another one hit him in the chest, quickly followed by another and another. Straining under the heavy assault of punches that were gaining frequency, Ganondorf faced away and let go of Yuki. With a swift motion he spun back round and threw a purple ball of electricity at Solace.

REX released multiple missiles into the air from a pod on it back, all eventually turning back towards ground, aiming at Super Skrull. He threw quick punches at each of the missile, his arms seemingly elastic, his hands made of flaming rock, knocking each and every missile out of the sky. But that was a big enough distraction for REX to back on its feet and power up the free-electron laser on its underside. Super Skrull noticed in time, rapidly retracting his arms and summoning a light blue force field around him. As soon as the red hot laser fired at him, Super Skrull's expression turned from one of confidence to one of tension, the shield crackling from the laser's power.

The Alien Queen fell back down to ground with a crunch. Naluri sat up with heavy breathing, holding the active portable gravity lift she had used earlier that evening, the gas it released having thrown the Queen into the air. Taking the chance to observe the environment, she noticed Doom attempt to get back to his feet. Resummoning her trusty rifle, she also summoned a single bullet that had a orange band round it. She loaded this bullstopper bullet into the rifle, took aim and fired. The bullet harmlessly embedded into the ground next to Doom but then the gas filled bullet exploded, disorienting Doom just in time for The General Lee to slam into him a second time.

Like Palpatine, Ganondorf had not witnessed Doom's use of electricity in the vicinity, the purple ball he summoned curving round and striking Gumi, who had just stood up, in the back and pushed her forward back down to ground again. However, unlike Doom's and Palpatine's, Ganondorf's use of electricity was very focused, the ball instantly burning the skin on her back, revealing her metallic shell underneath. She was clearly overheating, her skin slowly melting. Once again, she felt something tugging at her, Magneto having rose back to his feet again. There was a worrying clicking sound coming from inside her.

Cirno got into the Postman Pat's red van, the closest vehicle to the shutter, and turned the ignition key, the old engine chugging to life. With no clutch, the two pedal system was easy for Cirno to understand. She drove the van right under one side of the shutter, the shutter stopped lowering. With a smile, Cirno was about to open the door when the roof of the van began to crunch and bend, the vehicle clearly not structurally strong enough to hold the shutter up, especially not if the door was opened. Cirno took hold of the steering wheel with both hands and sighed, closing her eyes.

Sasaki managed to get the DeLorean to circle round the neighbouring cars and line up with the exit, "Cirno, get in the car! We're getting out of here!" When there was no response, Sasaki was about to call out again when she noticed a block of ice holding up the shutter. As she drove past, barely under the shutter, Sasaki could see a red van inside the block and could faintly see someone inside the van. Once outside, she shouted out with a hint of distress, opening the passenger door, "Someone get in the car!"

Solace was the closest to the passenger seat but she grabbed the back of Naluri's jacket and threw her inside the DeLorean, closing the door behind her, "Get out of here..." she moaned, eyes half opened.

"Where's Gumi?" frantically asked Sasaki.

"I don't know," answered Solace, with a hand on her face, "I can't see straight..."

Naluri sat up and looked around, "Over there," she pointed southwards, "On the floor next to Palpatine. And dangerously close to Magneto."

Nitori noticed Gumi in trouble and stepped forward onto Super Skrull, completely flattening him, but before she could do anything else Andross plummeted from the sky into the Thunder Child at high speed, the Thunder Child's remaining supply of shells all exploding at once causing the vessel to blow up with a deafening boom.

Magneto ceased all magnetic activity on Gumi, realising that Rin was no longer around to supply what they wanted.

"Should I be here-?" began Naluri in the DeLorean.

"Now's not the time, Naluri," argued Sasaki, driving towards Gumi. Gumi heard their approach and turned to face the approaching DeLorean. With a smile she pointed a hand at the car and released bright white lightning, having stored the attacks from Doom, Palpatine and Ganondorf inside her. The DeLorean's inner controls signified that the flux capacitor had enough power. Sasaki turned the car to face the open exit of the car park, intending to get to open road to satisfy the speed requirement for time travel. However, the explosion of the Thunder Child had created a considerable crater, blocking the second exit. In addition, Palpatine stood in their way, hands outstretched.

"Now's not the time to get brainwashed," added Naluri, forcing the wheel to the right, the DeLorean circling round the car park passing the wreckage of the Thunder Child.

Sasaki looked in the rear view mirror to see Magneto with a hand pointing towards the DeLorean. Despite standing not far from Magneto, Gumi did absolutely nothing, her cannons laying dormant on the floor. With her left hand, Sasaki wound down her window a small amount, allowing her Barrier to cover the whole car. The look of confusion on Magneto's face was evidence enough that his powers couldn't bypass the liquid Hakurei Barrier. However, Doom was waiting for them at the shutter door, noticeably not risking a ranged electric attack.

Ganondorf, no longer being rained on by Solace, began to approach her, his arms charging with purple sparks. She threw a punch at him but he sidestepped it, her aim signifying her deteriorating vision. However, it distracted Ganondorf long enough for The General Lee to run into his back for a second time. Solace collapsed onto the ground, her weakened body unable to cope with the backlash from her own attacks.

Solace had also distracted Ganondorf from Yuki, who had secured the Alien Queen to ground. Yuki made a quick observation of the car park, noticing the blocked exits of car park. A furious Beast Ganon was chasing Santiago and The General Lee. In outer space above, Galactus was visibly fending off spaceships but also appeared to be preventing any land forces from getting close to the car park. Magneto was the only foe not being dealt with but easily the one that could spoil all their plans.

Nitori had REX keep one foot on Super Skrull, preventing his reentry into the fight. She had missiles and bullets firing at Palpatine who used the Force to slow each projectile though was stepping backwards to keep up with the pressure. With an eye on the radar screen, Nitori could see Yuki pass behind her towards Magneto, "Hey, Yuki," she called through the radio, Yuki, as a digital being, not requiring an earpiece to receive a wireless communication, "We can't continue like this. We can't get the DeLorean out the car park. But I think I have an idea."

As Doom waited for the incoming DeLorean, something rolled into his foot. He looked down to see a small blue ceramic cylinder. There was a sudden gunshot, a bullet accurately hitting the bio-amp. The amp exploded with blue biotic energy, launching Doom backwards off his feet, covering his armour in a blue liquid that interfered with its systems. Nearby, Ritsu lowered the pistol, her breathing unhealthily slow for her fatal condition. She closed her eyes one last time.

The DeLorean passed through the resulting harmless blue cloud of energy. "The car park isn't big enough to gain enough speed," complained Sasaki.

Naluri noticed Nitori waving from REX who then pointed at the long railgun on REX's right shoulder, "I think Nitori wants us to use the railgun of REX to gain speed," she commented in disbelief. In the background, Palpatine rather comically tripped backwards into the Thunder Child's crater, pressured by REX firepower.

"Well, Nitori's a clever one," responded Sasaki, taking her hands off the wheel. She placed her hands on the roof of the car and with effort struggled to fly, carrying both Naluri and the DeLorean.

"... Will the car survive the launch?"

"... Who knows...?" Sasaki made her way to the railgun, fitting the vehicle into the slot. She wound her window back up as the railgun used magnetism for propulsion, removing the Barrier from around the car.

As soon as Yuki successfully tripped Magneto backwards, she turned to REX and the DeLorean, her lips casting once again. Next to her was Gumi, stood straight, eyes open. However, she was completely silent and smelt of burning, her circuits fried from the release of intense voltage to the DeLorean. All of a sudden, Yuki felt a hand grab the back of her neck, emitting purple electricity and lifted her off the floor. Yuki did not attempt to retaliate against Ganondorf, continuing her chant. She began to rapidly dissolve into thin air, feet first.

Magneto scrambled back up, seeing that REX had something planned, raising an arm at REX when his view was suddenly blocked by The General Lee racing towards him. He quickly brought the car to a stop but was unprepared for Santiago jumping through the windscreen and leaping onto Magneto, sending them both down to ground.

"Ah!" realised Sasaki, in shock. She quickly changed the time on the controls.

"What are you-" began Naluri, just as they were shot forward.

Magneto kicked Santiago away and faced REX, using his powers to crush it into a ball. Yuki completely faded away in the hands of Ganondorf. However, they had both done their job to launch and protect the DeLorean, respectively, the only sign of the car left being two parallel lines of fire along the inside of REX railgun.

The DeLorean shot skywards at incredible speed, Sasaki and Naluri being pushed back into their seats, a flash of bright white light indicating their successful time trip. As soon as she could, Sasaki opened the window, the Barrier once again surrounding the car.

"Why did you change the time period?" protested an angry Naluri as they passed a Sonic Station.

"REX's railgun fires projectiles internationally," explained Sasaki, as they passed through the Sonic Barrier, "We'll be launched into space but if we kept the time as what we agreed, we'd smash right into the top of the Hakurei Barrier over Gensokyo." She was attempting to guide the DeLorean's direction with the steering wheel but the effect was small.

Naluri suddenly understood the decision, "So what time is it now?"

"Well, it's not long before Cirno wrote in the Death Note," answered Sasaki, concerned, "But I don't think we can get back to ground any time soon." She turned the steering wheel side to side to emphasise her lack of control.

Naluri bit her lip. Then she noticed a spacecraft close to their path of flight. "Sasaki, aim for the observation platform of that spacecraft. It might not be too late," she commented, "The Liquid Barrier makes the DeLorean spaceworthy, right?"

"Sort of. As long as you can hold your breath and deal with the cold in the freezing vacuums of space." Sasaki did the best she could in aiming towards the fast approaching ship.

"Not a problem." Naluri wound down her window fully, summoning her rifle and her glass-breaking ring. She aimed the rifle towards a window of the observation platform. Then with one hand she turned the ring and inserted it into the barrel. As the ring began to hum, she pulled the trigger with the other.

"No," rejected Haruhi. Reimu looked back up. Haruhi got to her feet, "I don't want Gensokyo. We will remain as separate territories. All I want is cooperation and friendship between us." Reimu's wrist restrains vanished, setting her free. "Please."

Rubbing her wrists, Reimu paused before nodding, "... Of-"

Suddenly, an whirling object hit an extremely thick glass window with a crack, embedding into it. The window held until the whirling reached a high peak, instantly shattering the entire window. Konata jumped out the way as a car skidded into the room through the window.

One car door was kicked open and Sasaki jumped out, grabbing Haruhi by the neck and forcing her back into her seat. "Sasaki, wha-?!" cried Haruhi with shock.

"Relax, we're saving your life," reasoned Sasaki just as Naluri reached Haruhi, pointing the Hand Canon directly at Haruhi's forehead.

"You better hope this works..." murmured Naluri as she pulled the trigger.

Haruhi's body suddenly changed but the stability of the room collapsed with Haruhi not upholding it, the DeLorean was sucked out of the room through the open window, towards the Sonic Barrier below. It was followed by Haruhi's body and the Hand Canon as Naluri struggled to find a handgrip. Naluri just managed to grab onto the windowledge. The amount of air was drastically falling.

"Reimu! Quick!" urged Sasaki, holding onto the throne "Remove my Barrier!" Reimu, who was holding onto the steps like Konata, had no second thoughts, Sasaki's Barrier immediately disappearing. The air returned to the room as Sasaki regained her powers, the three of them scrambling back to their feet.

Sasaki walked up to Naluri who was still struggling, gradually losing consciousness as the unlimited air flowing out of the room was not enough. "Sasaki," Naluri strained, her voice hoarse, "Help me up."

Sasaki knelt down next to Naluri, "Naluri, you don't have much trust in Haruhi or anyone with superior power do you?"

"What are you talking about?!"

"I want you to learn that Haruhi wasn't a bad person," said Sasaki with a sad smile, "I want you to learn that she suffered more than you do." Naluri opened an eye to see Reimu and Konata mourning over Haruhi's dead body by the throne steps.


"I want you to learn that Haruhi deserved the powers she had." Sasaki told hold of Naluri's wrists, instead of her hands.

Naluri began to shake her head, "No. I should never have trusted you! I should never have-" Sasaki pulled up Naluri's grip, sending Naluri out into space. As she fell back towards Earth and the Sonic Barrier, Naluri attempted to summon an oxygen mask but passed out.

Statistics[edit | edit source]


  • Words: 1008
  • Characters: 4960

References[edit | edit source]

  • Template:WikiLink is the reaction to threats with a general discharge of the sympathetic nervous system, priming the animal for fighting or fleeing.