Gumi (Vocaloid)

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Canon Vocaloid
Copyright Holder [[INTERNET Co.,Ltd (Native)|Template:Biography INTERNET Co.,Ltd (Native)]]
Created by [[INTERNET Co.,Ltd (Native)|Template:Biography INTERNET Co.,Ltd (Native)]]
Influenced by Unknown
Key Source Gumi
First Mention [[The Three Kingdoms - Chapter 2.1 - Don't Take It Easy (Chapter)|Template:Chapter The Three Kingdoms - Chapter 2.1 - Don't Take It Easy]]
First Appearance [[The Three Kingdoms - Chapter 2.1 - Don't Take It Easy (Chapter)|Template:Chapter The Three Kingdoms - Chapter 2.1 - Don't Take It Easy]]
Nationality [[Japan (Vocaloid)|Template:Biography Japan (Vocaloid)]]ese [[Newcomer (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography Newcomer (The Three Kingdoms)]]
Gender Female
Species [[Vocaloid (Vocaloid)|Template:Biography Vocaloid (Vocaloid)]] [[android (Native)|Template:Biography android (Native)]]
Date of Birth Unknown
Age on Doomsday Unknown




Title Unknown
Current Status
Status Unknown, likely a [[Carrier (Left 4 Dead)|Template:Biography Carrier (Left 4 Dead)]] under [[Skynet (Terminator)|Template:Biography Skynet (Terminator)]]'s control
Residence Unknown
Occupation Unknown
Allegiance [[Skynet (Terminator)|Template:Biography Skynet (Terminator)]][[Skynet (Terminator)|Template:Biography Skynet (Terminator)]]

Former Affiliations

Former Groups


Key Colour #51A542 - Apple
Light Colour #F1FCEF - Feta
Wiki Link

:bulletblack: Gumi: Vocaloid © INTERNET Co.,Ltd

Spoiler Free page Gumi (Vocaloid)/Spoiler Free
Biography template Template:Biography Gumi (Vocaloid)
I'll deal with that!
- Gumi to [[Sasaki (Suzumiya Haruhi)|Template:Biography Sasaki (Suzumiya Haruhi)]] on dealing with the DeLorean's lack of power during [[Doomsday's First Anniversary (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography Doomsday's First Anniversary (The Three Kingdoms)]].[1]

Gumi (グミ) is a [[Vocaloid (Vocaloid)|Template:Biography Vocaloid (Vocaloid)]] [[newcomer (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography newcomer (The Three Kingdoms)]] from Vocaloid and is best known as the [[War Minister (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography War Minister (The Three Kingdoms)]] of the [[Yamaha Kingdom (The Three Kingdom)|Template:Biography Yamaha Kingdom (The Three Kingdom)]], as the leader of [[The Research Branch (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography The Research Branch (The Three Kingdoms)]] during [[The First Year (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography The First Year (The Three Kingdoms)]].

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Gumi is a green-eyed female Vocaloid, with green shoulder length hair.

Her clothes consist of a orange buttoned dress, the inside being yellow and the abdomen section transparent yellow. The dress has green buttons and a green belt with a silver buckle. Separate from the dress, Gumi wears a white collar with a pink oval jewel in the centre. She also has white cuffs with pink cufflinks. Her white boots are knee height high heel boots with green flaps and soles. On her head, she has a pair of futuristic white headphones with a microphone along with pink shades.

In Append Form[edit | edit source]

Compared to Gumi's original form, the look traditionally linked to her Append version purely differs only by clothes. Instead of a shades, she has a pink visor over her eyes and two levitating cannons that look like the two halves of a carrot.

However, it should be noted, none of these clothes are vital to the operation of the Append systems so Gumi is completely free to dress differently, including as her original form. In fact, she prefers to dress in her original clothes as it hides that she had an upgrade.

Personality[edit | edit source]

In a normal situation, Gumi is very optimistic and celebrates the good things in life. However, as an android, she is able to override her personality whenever appropriate to turn to complete seriousness.

Policies[edit | edit source]

Gumi is a upholder of The Unwritten Law. While she approves of The Yamaha Kingdom's seriously damaging methods of punishment, including throwing people out of high windows, it was only due to being the only way to keep the population in Yamaha under control.

Skills[edit | edit source]

Powers[edit | edit source]

Android Powers

Gumi has good defence, reactions and predictive talent. This makes Gumi a very strong, accurate and intense fighter.
  • Cyberwarfare
Gumi is capable of programming, hacking and preventing digital offensives.
Having originally adopted [[Sora Muziku (qrullgx13)|Template:Biography Sora Muziku (qrullgx13)]]'s self-repair system that used a red liquid under the outer skin to replace broken skin after [[Doomsday's First Anniversary (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography Doomsday's First Anniversary (The Three Kingdoms)]], Gumi is now completely made of mimetic polyalloy, allowing unmatched self-repair and a weaker form of hammerspace by using her own body to store items.
  • Rocket Boot Flight
Rocket Boots give Gumi relatively stable and responsive flight but are fuel-inefficient and contribute towards overheating.
In Append Form:
Gumi Append has a whip made of solid electricity that is capable of grabbing onto things and pulling them to Gumi or slamming objects into the ground.
Gumi Append has the ability to turn into light and warp into the sky to teleport somewhere else.
  • Lightning Rod
Gumi Append has the ability to divert stray electricity to herself and launch the electricity as an energy blast.
Gumi Append has the ability to create two portals that are connected to each other, one orange-rimmed, the other blue-rimmed, essentially negating the space and orientation between them.

Talents[edit | edit source]

Arms[edit | edit source]

Gumi is very skilled in using light and heavy firearms effectively. As an android, she is capable of adapting to new weaponry easily.

Melee[edit | edit source]

Gumi is a very strong melee fighter as an android but lacks the inhuman power of many strong newcomers.

Swordplay[edit | edit source]

As an android, Gumi is capable of adapting to new weaponry but she is not keen on using any sort of bladed weapons.

Equipment[edit | edit source]

Armament[edit | edit source]

In Append Form

  • Carrot Cannons
Gumi Append possessed two powerful levitating cannons that each resemble a half of a carrot.

Gumi Append[edit | edit source]

Gumi's Append outfit along with carrot cannons.

Append is only a physical change, mainly in internal equipment, and does not affect Gumi's mental capability.

Its original purpose was to enhance Gumi's vocal capabilities but was expanded to improve on Gumi's combat abilities as a prototype to [[Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid)|Template:Biography Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid)]]'s Append version since Miku was physically the weakest out of [[The Three Empresses (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography The Three Empresses (The Three Kingdoms)]].

History[edit | edit source]

Doomsday[edit | edit source]

[[The First Year (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography The First Year (The Three Kingdoms)]], Post-Doomsday[edit | edit source]

[[Doomsday's First Anniversary (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography Doomsday's First Anniversary (The Three Kingdoms)]][edit | edit source]

Gumi was ordered by [[Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid)|Template:Biography Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid)]] to continue keeping security over [[Asia (Native)|Template:Biography Asia (Native)]] in case of any offensive launched by either [[Gensokyo (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography Gensokyo (The Three Kingdoms)]] or [[The North High Colony (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography The North High Colony (The Three Kingdoms)]] after the moon would be brought down on [[London (Native)|Template:Biography London (Native)]], [[The United Kingdom (Native)|Template:Biography The United Kingdom (Native)]].[2]

Original Events, Pre-DeLorean[edit | edit source]

After the death of [[Suzumiya Haruhi (Suzumiya Haruhi)|Template:Biography Suzumiya Haruhi (Suzumiya Haruhi)]] and the merging of Gensokyo and The North High Colony into [[High Gensokyo (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography High Gensokyo (The Three Kingdoms)]], Gumi and the rest of [[The Yamaha Administration (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography The Yamaha Administration (The Three Kingdoms)]] realised there are many newcomers in [[The United States of America (Native)|Template:Biography The United States of America (Native)]] who were very powerful and have an advantage against androids including [[Vocaloids (Vocaloids)|Template:Biography Vocaloids (Vocaloids)]] and [[UTAU (UTAU)|Template:Biography UTAU (UTAU)]]. It was decided that an alliance with High Gensokyo would be necessary. As High Gensokyo was also looking for assistance in their own territory, an exchange of prisoners was arranged as a sign of goodwill involving six of [[The Anti-Nine (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography The Anti-Nine (The Three Kingdoms)]] but it was unsuccessful.[3] However, Miku was confronted at [[Crypton Studios (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography Crypton Studios (The Three Kingdoms)]] by [[Victor von Doom (Marvel Universe)|Template:Biography Victor von Doom (Marvel Universe)]] and [[Max Eisenhardt (Marvel Universe)|Template:Biography Max Eisenhardt (Marvel Universe)]][4], leaders of [[The Anti-Humour Society (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography The Anti-Humour Society (The Three Kingdoms)]], a massive group of people devoted to the collapse of [[The Three Kingdoms (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography The Three Kingdoms (The Three Kingdoms)]][5], in an attempt to gain Vocaloid access codes to allow control of all of Yamaha's security and projects, including [[The Arctic Prison (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography The Arctic Prison (The Three Kingdoms)]]. Gumi escaped the Society by moving her consciousness into her Append body and went into hiding.[6]

Gumi heard via [[KC (Final)|Template:Biography KC (Final)]] of a plan of the crew of the HMS Thunder Child to use The DeLorean to time travel to prevent the death of Haruhi. Doom interrupted this plan and destroyed the controls to the garage shutter, the shutter slowly closing automatically, which would have prevented The DeLorean from leaving the garage. As Doom was about to attack [[Solace (Arcania City)|Template:Biography Solace (Arcania City)]], Gumi warped in, absorbing the electricity he was firing, which she intended to use to power up The DeLorean. She held up the shutter to allow the car out. However, Magneto pulled Gumi away from the shutter with his magnetic powers. Gumi, damaged by the magnetic powers and overheating from holding too much electricity, held on until The DeLorean left the garage, powering it up with the stored electricity. This transfer irreversibly overheated heats her circuits, shutting her down.[7]

The DeLorean's Changes[edit | edit source]

Naluri Sihara and Sasaki successfully used The DeLorean to time travel back to just before Haruhi was killed by a [[Death Note (Death Note)|Template:Biography Death Note (Death Note)]] but Sasaki abandoned Naluri after The Hand Canon was used on Haruhi.[8] Gumi's would-be fatal battle was interrupted by Naluri and was tasked, along with a revived Miku, with fighting Doom.[9] She witnessed the death of the future Naluri and the disappearance of the future Sasaki.[10]

[[The Second Year (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography The Second Year (The Three Kingdoms)]][edit | edit source]

[[Yggdrasil (Digital Monster X-Evolution)|Template:Biography Yggdrasil (Digital Monster X-Evolution)]], a sentient crystal ball, was briefly released from [[statis (Native)|Template:Biography statis (Native)]] in The Arctic Prison to allow Haruhi to examine him for danger. As an [[Invisible (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography Invisible (The Three Kingdoms)]], he was deemed a harmless object but was placed back in statis just in case. However, in the time he was free, he digitalised the surrounding area, making the statis ineffective. The digitisation spread throughout the universe, including the Gumi.

[[Doomsday's Second Anniversary (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography Doomsday's Second Anniversary (The Three Kingdoms)]][edit | edit source]

Yggdrasil's digitalisation passed through [[The Hakurei Barrier (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography The Hakurei Barrier (The Three Kingdoms)]] covering [[Area 51 (Native)|Template:Biography Area 51 (Native)]], inadvertently allowing [[Skynet (Termintor)|Template:Biography Skynet (Termintor)]], who had been imprisoned in there since Doomsday, to escape. Skynet established control over all digital beings and machines, including Gumi.[11]

[[The Digital Three (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography The Digital Three (The Three Kingdoms)]], including [[The AI Director (Left 4 Dead)|Template:Biography The AI Director (Left 4 Dead)]] who had managed to establish a digital connection to the universe due the digitalisation, agreed to stage a fake war to coax [[Rokiahi (XenoAisam)|Template:Biography Rokiahi (XenoAisam)]] to feel true fear, the last missing emotion of Haruhi's Hand Canon, to allow them to return to their original worlds. Under the guise of a difference in ideals between Haruhi, Miku and Reimu, The Three Kingdoms were refounded. Gumi remained with Yamaha, said to believe that imprisonment of certain beings was necessary to ensure the safety of others.[12] As part of the plan, Gensokyo declared war on Yamaha and North High. Gumi fought in [[Ashiya (Native)|Template:Biography Ashiya (Native)]], [[Japan (Native)|Template:Biography Japan (Native)]], and confronted [[Fujiwara no Mokou (Touhou)|Template:Biography Fujiwara no Mokou (Touhou)]] to allow Rokiahi and [[Rulia (qrullgx13)|Template:Biography Rulia (qrullgx13)]] to flee from Gensokyo's forces.[13]

Citations[edit | edit source]

Related Navigation[edit | edit source]


align=center bgcolor=#Template:Biography Gumi (NewYamaha) colspan=6|The Yamaha Kingdom and New Yamaha
align=center width=15% bgcolor=#Template:Biography Light (NewYamaha) |The Big Five: align=center width=17% bgcolor=#Template:Biography Gumi (HatsuneMiku) |Hatsune Miku [Power] align=center width=17% bgcolor=#Template:Biography Gumi (Gumi) |Gumi [War] align=center width=17% bgcolor=#Template:Biography Gumi (KasaneTeto) |Kasane Teto [Guard] align=center width=17% bgcolor=#Template:Biography Gumi (BlackRockShooter) |Black★Rock Shooter [Order] align=center width=17% bgcolor=#Template:Biography Gumi (KagamineRin) |Kagamine Rin [Law]
align=center width=15% bgcolor=#Template:Biography Light (NewYamaha) |The Big Groups: align=center width=17% bgcolor=#Template:Biography Light (NewYamaha) | align=center width=17% bgcolor=#Template:Biography Gumi (ResearchBranch) |The Research Branch align=center width=17% bgcolor=#Template:Biography Gumi (UTAU) |UTAU align=center width=17% bgcolor=#Template:Biography Gumi (BlackSquad) |The Black Squad align=center width=17% bgcolor=#Template:Biography Gumi (StrayPosse) |The Stray Posse
align=center width=15% bgcolor=#Template:Biography Light (NewYamaha) |Former Units: [[The Helghast (Killzone)|Template:Biography The Helghast (Killzone)]] | [[The Strike Witches (Strike Witches)|Template:Biography The Strike Witches (Strike Witches)]]
align=center width=15% bgcolor=#Template:Biography Light (NewYamaha) |Important Locations: [[The Arctic Prison (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography The Arctic Prison (The Three Kingdoms)]] | [[Crypton Studios (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography Crypton Studios (The Three Kingdoms)]] | [[The War Factory (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography The War Factory (The Three Kingdoms)]] | [[Westminister Palace (Native)|Template:Biography Westminister Palace (Native)]]
align=center width=15% bgcolor=#Template:Biography Light (NewYamaha) |Important Projects: [[The Append Project (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography The Append Project (The Three Kingdoms)]] | [[The Meltdown Directive (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography The Meltdown Directive (The Three Kingdoms)]] | [[The Sonic Barrier (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography The Sonic Barrier (The Three Kingdoms)]] | The Thunder Child Restoration Project
align=center width=15% bgcolor=#Template:Biography Light (NewYamaha) |See also: [[The Anti-Humour Society (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography The Anti-Humour Society (The Three Kingdoms)]] | [[The Anti-Nine (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography The Anti-Nine (The Three Kingdoms)]]
align="center" bgcolor="#Template:Biography Big Fifteen (Vocaloid)" colspan="4" |[[The Big Fifteen (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography The Big Fifteen (The Three Kingdoms)]]
align="center" width="15%" bgcolor="#Template:Biography Big Fifteen (Vocaloid)" | align="center" width="28%" bgcolor="#Template:Biography New Yamaha (Vocaloid)" |[[Yamaha Kingdom (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography Yamaha Kingdom (The Three Kingdoms)]] / [[New Yamaha (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography New Yamaha (The Three Kingdoms)]] align="center" width="29%" bgcolor="#Template:Biography Gensokyo (Vocaloid)" |[[Gensokyo (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography Gensokyo (The Three Kingdoms)]] / [[Old Gensokyo (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography Old Gensokyo (The Three Kingdoms)]] align="center" width="28%" bgcolor="#Template:Biography North High Colony (Vocaloid)" |[[North High Colony (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography North High Colony (The Three Kingdoms)]] / [[Kyoto Alliance (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography Kyoto Alliance (The Three Kingdoms)]]
align="center" width="15%" bgcolor="#Template:Biography Big Fifteen (Vocaloid)" |The Three Empresses [Power]: align="center" bgcolor="#Template:Biography Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid)" |[[Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid)|Template:Biography Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid)]] align="center" bgcolor="#Template:Biography Hakurei Reimu (Touhou)" |[[Hakurei Reimu (Touhou)|Template:Biography Hakurei Reimu (Touhou)]] align="center" bgcolor="#Template:Biography Suzumiya Haruhi (Suzumiya Haruhi)" |[[Suzumiya Haruhi (Suzumiya Haruhi)|Template:Biography Suzumiya Haruhi (Suzumiya Haruhi)]]
align="center" width="15%" bgcolor="#Template:Biography Big Fifteen (Vocaloid)" |War Ministers: Gumi align="center" bgcolor="#Template:Biography Yakumo Yukari (Touhou)" |[[Yakumo Yukari (Touhou)|Template:Biography Yakumo Yukari (Touhou)]] align="center" bgcolor="#Template:Biography Nagato Yuki (Suzumiya Haruhi)" |[[Nagato Yuki (Suzumiya Haruhi)|Template:Biography Nagato Yuki (Suzumiya Haruhi)]]
align="center" width="15%" bgcolor="#Template:Biography Big Fifteen (Vocaloid)" |Captains of the Guard: align="center" bgcolor="#Template:Biography Kasane Teto (UTAU)" |[[Kasane Teto (UTAU)|Template:Biography Kasane Teto (UTAU)]] align="center" bgcolor="#Template:Biography Kirisame Marisa (Touhou)" |[[Kirisame Marisa (Touhou)|Template:Biography Kirisame Marisa (Touhou)]] align="center" bgcolor="#Template:Biography Tainaka Ritsu (K-ON!)" |[[Tainaka Ritsu (K-ON!)|Template:Biography Tainaka Ritsu (K-ON!)]]
align="center" width="15%" bgcolor="#Template:Biography Big Fifteen (Vocaloid)" |Enforcers of Order: Black★Rock Shooter align="center" bgcolor="#Template:Biography Remilia Scarlet (Touhou)" |[[Remilia Scarlet (Touhou)|Template:Biography Remilia Scarlet (Touhou)]] (formerly Hong Meiling) align="center" bgcolor="#Template:Biography Izumi Konata (Lucky Star)" |[[Izumi Konata (Lucky Star)|Template:Biography Izumi Konata (Lucky Star)]]
align="center" width="15%" bgcolor="#Template:Biography Big Fifteen (Vocaloid)" |Enforcers of the Law: align="center" bgcolor="#Template:Biography Kagamine Rin (Vocaloid)" |[[Kagamine Rin (Vocaloid)|Template:Biography Kagamine Rin (Vocaloid)]] align="center" bgcolor="#Template:Biography Shikieiki (Touhou)" |[[Shikieiki (Touhou)|Template:Biography Shikieiki (Touhou)]] align="center" bgcolor="#Template:Biography Tsukimiya Ayu (Kanon)" |[[Tsukimiya Ayu (Kanon)|Template:Biography Tsukimiya Ayu (Kanon)]]

Categories[edit | edit source]