Doomsday (The Three Kingdoms)

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Influenced by 2012 phenomenon
Key Source 2012 phenomenon
First Mention [[The Three Kingdoms - Chapter 0 - Dear Diary (Chapter)|Template:Chapter The Three Kingdoms - Chapter 0 - Dear Diary]]
Occurrence [[The Three Kingdoms - Chapter 0 - Dear Diary (Chapter)|Template:Chapter The Three Kingdoms - Chapter 0 - Dear Diary]]





Date 1200 UTC 20th December 2012 to 1200 UTC 22nd December 2012
Location All universes



Former Affiliations




Former Groups



[[Gensokyo (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography Gensokyo (The Three Kingdoms)]]

[[Yamaha Kingdom (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography Yamaha Kingdom (The Three Kingdoms)]]

[[North High Colony (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography North High Colony (The Three Kingdoms)]]

Anti-Humour Society


[[Hakurei Reimu (Touhou)|Template:Biography Hakurei Reimu (Touhou)]]

[[Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid)|Template:Biography Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid)]]

[[Suzumiya Haruhi (Suzumiya Haruhi)|Template:Biography Suzumiya Haruhi (Suzumiya Haruhi)]]

[[Victor von Doom (Marvel Universe)|Template:Biography Victor von Doom (Marvel Universe)]]

Key Colour #000000 - Black
Light Colour #EAEAEA - Gallery
Wiki Link

:bulletblack: Doomsday: The Three Kingdoms © dra2k4

Spoiler Free page Doomsday (The Three Kingdoms)/Spoiler Free
Biography template Template:Biography Doomsday (The Three Kingdoms)

Doomsday refers to a two day period between 1200 UTC 20th December 2012 until 1200 UTC 22nd December 2012 when people, objects and locations from fictional dimensions, immediately appeared all over the planet. If locations had a canonical location on Earth, they generally landed in those places. Characters and objects were generally dropped in random locations. Only one [[canon (Native)|Template:Biography canon (Native)]]ical version of each character, object and location were brought into the real world. Within two hours the entire world was aware of the phenomenon that had just taken place though no one knew the cause.

The Doomsday Clauses[edit | edit source]

Due to only a few, relatively, fictional objects being affected by Doomsday, there have been theories as to which newcomers were brought through. Five theories are generally agreed to be possibilities. The most noticeable consequence of these clauses was that Earth did not completely collapse under overpopulation.

The [[Native (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography Native (The Three Kingdoms)]] Clause[edit | edit source]

There were no newcomer counterparts of natives or real objects and locations where the fictional object had not been given enough room to develop as their own being. Examples include [[Barack Obama (Native)|Template:Biography Barack Obama (Native)]], [[The Statue of Liberty (Native)|Template:Biography The Statue of Liberty (Native)]] and [[New York City (Native)|Template:Biography New York City (Native)]] where while all three are very prominent in fiction, none of their fictional counterparts were designed to be separate from the object they were based on and were thus not affect by Doomsday. Examples that have expanded into their own form and have been affected by Doomsday include [[Basil Karlo (DC Universe)|Template:Biography Basil Karlo (DC Universe)]] (based off [[Lon Chaney (Native)|Template:Biography Lon Chaney (Native)]]), [[Centennial Park (DC Universe)|Template:Biography Centennial Park (DC Universe)]] (based off [[Central Park (Native)|Template:Biography Central Park (Native)]]) and [[Gotham City (DC Universe)|Template:Biography Gotham City (DC Universe)]] (based off New York City).

The Generic Clause[edit | edit source]

Many fictions involve presenting a large number of fictional object or people as a representation of high density, such as for military forces or entire species. That means, to the natives interacting to the fiction, the majority of the group of objects are not given enough exposure as their own character, as much as this is untrue in the fictional world. Similarly, Doomsday ignored the majority of such huge numbers, only bringing through a vastly smaller number, usually around twenty. Fictional militaries affected by this include [[Palpatine (Star Wars)|Template:Biography Palpatine (Star Wars)]]'s [[Imperial Military (Star Wars)|Template:Biography Imperial Military (Star Wars)]], [[The Helghast (Killzone)|Template:Biography The Helghast (Killzone)]] and [[The Strike Witches (Strike Witches)|Template:Biography The Strike Witches (Strike Witches)]]. Fictional species affected by this include the [[Goron (The Legend of Zelda)|Template:Biography Goron (The Legend of Zelda)]]s, the [[Deviluke (To Love-Ru)|Template:Biography Deviluke (To Love-Ru)]]s and the [[Titan (God of War)|Template:Biography Titan (God of War)]]s.

The Unique Clause[edit | edit source]

Only one canonical version of each object or newcomer was brought through by Doomsday. Characters based on others but are clearly different people were still affected. For instance, Link, The Hero of Time, and Link, The Hero of Winds, are two different people so were both affected. On the other hand, [[Ganondorf (The Legend of Zelda: Timeline A)|Template:Biography Ganondorf (The Legend of Zelda: Timeline A)]] from Timeline A and [[Ganondorf (The Legend of Zelda: Timeline B)|Template:Biography Ganondorf (The Legend of Zelda: Timeline B)]] from Timeline B are the same person, hence only the Timeline A version was brought through by Doomsday.

The Time Clause[edit | edit source]

Even though it was the 21st December 2012 on native [[Earth (Native)|Template:Biography Earth (Native)]], Doomsday did not pull newcomers from that exact period in time. It is considered that Doomsday chose a time relatively soon after the newcomers' most important achievement, unless they permanently died after it without becoming undead, where Doomsday chose an earlier time instead.

The Size Clause[edit | edit source]

No newcomer object or being bigger than a particular size was affected by Doomsday, an example being a [[Death Star (Star Wars)|Template:Biography Death Star (Star Wars)]], which is bigger than Earth. However, if the object had a form at which they were small enough, Doomsday might have affected them at that point in time.

History[edit | edit source]

At exactly 1200 UTC 20th December 2012, just as the 21st December started at [[The International Date Line (Native)|Template:Biography The International Date Line (Native)]], people and locations from fictional dimensions, immediately appeared all over the planet. If locations had real world equivalents, they generally landed in those places. Characters and objects were generally dropped in random locations, later known as [[Doomsday Location (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography Doomsday Location (The Three Kingdoms)]]s. Only one canonical version of each character, object and location were brought through. Within two hours the entire world was aware of the phenomenon that had just taken place though no one knew the cause.

However, politicians had other things on their mind. Many of these [[newcomer (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography newcomer (The Three Kingdoms)]]s were potentially dangerous. Many could use [[magic (Native)|Template:Biography magic (Native)]], possessed vastly superior technology or were not [[human (Native)|Template:Biography human (Native)]] at all. The vast majority could destroy a city with very little effort so they were branded as dangerous.

The [[United States of America (Native)|Template:Biography United States of America (Native)]] planned to put these newcomers in expensive celebrity accommodation to get on their good side, clearly aware that prison would fail at imprisoning them. The person they approached first was [[Hakurei Reimu (Touhou)|Template:Biography Hakurei Reimu (Touhou)]] of the [[Touhou (Series)|Template:Series Touhou]] video game series who had found herself in [[New York City (Native)|Template:Biography New York City (Native)]]. Reimu rejected their proposal, insisting that she wanted to find her shrine that she managed in the world she came from. While she appreciated offers to search for the shrine in her place, she continued to refuse to move to the accommodation and prepared to fly out of the city. Suddenly, a nearby [[native (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography native (The Three Kingdoms)]] human observer shouted out a so far undisclosed sentence as a joke. Within an hour, Reimu had single handedly annexed the entire country. The shouting of the single sentence would come to be called the Bad Apple Incident.

[[Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid)|Template:Biography Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid)]], in [[Toronto (Native)|Template:Biography Toronto (Native)]], [[Canada (Native)|Template:Biography Canada (Native)]], at the time, of the Vocaloid software line, began annexing any and all nations that she and her partners passed, in the name of protecting them from Reimu's wrath. Conflict between [[Vocaloid (Vocaloid)|Template:Biography Vocaloid (Vocaloid)]]s and their allies and Touhou and its allies erupted across the planet. Offensives and retreats eventually formed a de facto border between the two factions with the main expectation being that the world to fall into two zones, one ruled by Reimu and the other by Miku.

However, [[Suzumiya Haruhi (Suzumiya Haruhi)|Template:Biography Suzumiya Haruhi (Suzumiya Haruhi)]] of the same named novel series, who had been in [[Rio de Janeiro (Native)|Template:Biography Rio de Janeiro (Native)]], [[Brazil (Native)|Template:Biography Brazil (Native)]], had been watching the media coverage, her rational thoughts of logic and nature being shattered by the unnatural events. As a result, she had come to realise her godlike abilities and immediately attempted to put them to use.

A three-way world war began with predictions that Haruhi would dominate the entire planet with her powers. Haruhi was in fact unable to gain the upper hand, unused to her newfound abilities and both the other factions being able to block her powers with their own skills, the Vocaloids' ability to create Sound Barriers and Reimu's ability to form the supposedly impenetrable Hakurei Barrier. With Haruhi's sudden entrance into the conflict, both Miku and Reimu established their respective barriers across their currently owned territory in fear of Haruhi unleashing her full potential.

Within twenty four hours of the newcomers' sudden appearances, the world had been split between three territories, Miku's Yamaha Kingdom, Reimu's [[Gensokyo (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography Gensokyo (The Three Kingdoms)]] and Haruhi's North High Colony. Within another twenty four hours, [[The Hakurei Barrier (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography The Hakurei Barrier (The Three Kingdoms)]] and The Sonic Barrier had been fully erected, effectively preventing [[The Three Kingdoms (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography The Three Kingdoms (The Three Kingdoms)]] from communicating. This happened at 1200 UTC 22nd December 2012 as the 21st December ended at The International Date Line, ending Doomsday.

Consequences[edit | edit source]

Doomday split the world into three separated territories, The Yamaha Kingdom, Gensokyo and The North High Colony, collectively known as [[The Three Kingdoms (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography The Three Kingdoms (The Three Kingdoms)]], that continued individually and mostly militaristic operations in preparation of war against the others. Natives were subject to newcomer control, with many powerful natives removed from their positions or became puppets.

Meanwhile, many feared for their own worlds, families and people not brought through by Doomsday who had their homes and friends suddenly taken away.

Haruhi eventually became bored and caused [[Doomsday's First Anniversary (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography Doomsday's First Anniversary (The Three Kingdoms)]].

Trivia[edit | edit source]

See also[edit | edit source]

Citations[edit | edit source]

Categories[edit | edit source]