Convenience Theory (The Three Kingdoms)

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Biography template Template:Biography Convenience Theory (The Three Kingdoms)
We do have this thing called the Convenience Theory that basically says if a creator made something that has an ability then it will have that ability whether or not it can be explained.
- [[Cirno (Touhou)|Template:Biography Cirno (Touhou)]] explaining the Convenience Theory to Alice Elizabeth Raymour.

The Convenience Theory is a concept involving unexplainable abilities and features of everything brought into the [[native (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography native (The Three Kingdoms)]] universe by Doomsday. It should be noted that this is just a theory. The [[Inconvenience Theory (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography Inconvenience Theory (The Three Kingdoms)]] overrides this theory.

Statement[edit | edit source]

If a creator made something that has an ability then it will have that ability whether or not it can be explained.

The Ball and Post Paradox[edit | edit source]

The Ball and Post Paradox, also known as The Ball and Wall Paradox, asks what would happen if an unstoppable ball hit an unmovable post, or an unmovable wall. By the Convenience Theory neither can lose their respective abilities, resulting in a paradox.

Origin[edit | edit source]

[[Suzumiya Haruhi (Suzumiya Haruhi)|Template:Biography Suzumiya Haruhi (Suzumiya Haruhi)]] was an goddess during Doomsday but was unable to replicate supernatural technology or concepts that were unexplainable by the concepts of her own world or prevent their effects, leading people to believe that objects covered by The Convenience Theory could not go against their defined abilities.

See also[edit | edit source]

Citations[edit | edit source]

Categories[edit | edit source]

Warning: Default sort key "Convenience Theory" overrides earlier default sort key "[[:Template:Biography Convenience Theory (The Three Kingdoms)]]".