Chapter 7.3 - No Fight But Flight

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The Three Kingdoms - Chapter 0 (Chapter) ←← {{{3}}}Chapter 7.2 - Non-Portal-ble Ops

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No Fight But Flight[edit | edit source]

"Can we go back?" inquired Alice.

Cirno slowly turned her head back towards the Barrier, sweat dripping down her face from Yamaha's strong heat. She saw the Hakurei Barrier glowing in the distance, indicating its closure.

"It's... closed... We... can't..." Cirno began to lost focus, slowly losing height and her voice getting fainter.

"Cirno? Are you okay?" asked a concerned Alice.

"It's... too... hot..., I can't..." panted Cirno.

"Cirno, get on my back." Before Cirno could muster the energy to protest, Alice flipped Cirno round onto her back. They fell several metres before Alice spawned white [[angel (Native)|Template:Biography angel (Native)]] wings from her back. Unlike Cirno's stable hovering, Alice's flying was rocking up and down uncomfortably as she was forced to flap her wings to stay airborne. She had Cirno's bag on one shoulder.

"Are you an angel?" Cirno was able to talk straight now she wasn't using effort to hover.

"[[Human (Native)|Template:Biography Human (Native)]] with angelic powers," corrected Alice, with urgency, "I can't last long with a passenger. You have to be my eyes. Where should we go?"

"I... don't know," murmured Cirno, unable to lift her head off the back of Alice's, "If we carry on following [[The Sonic Barrier (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography The Sonic Barrier (The Three Kingdoms)]] we'll end up above the Ivory Coast."

Alice noted that Cirno described position based on a 2D atlas instead of compass directions. "But wouldn't that bring up too close to the [[Canary Islands (Native)|Template:Biography Canary Islands (Native)]]? Didn't you mention Yamaha has units stationed there?"

"I guess... The other way is towards some islands under US."

"The Caribbean? How did Yamaha get land so deep in [[Gensokyo (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography Gensokyo (The Three Kingdoms)]] territory-?"

There was a sudden blare of a ship's horn from below. Cirno easily spotted the brightly lit aircraft carrier below in the pitch black waters. On the deck was printed the name: [[Akagi (Strike Witches)|Template:Biography Akagi (Strike Witches)]]. Stationed on deck were no aircraft but had four people stood on it. She recognised the two dressed in black immediately, Black★Rock Shooter and Black★Gold Saw. The other two wore no lower clothing, identifying them as [[Strike Witch (Strike Witches)|Template:Biography Strike Witch (Strike Witches)]]es. The horn blared once more as the vessel approached the unconscious Atlas.

"Alice, go left," urged Cirno, "There's a plane ship under us."

Alice took a sharp turn west and with one flap of her wings, shot in that direction with extreme speed. Had Alice not been holding onto Cirno behind her, Cirno would have fallen off. "Are they following us?" questioned Alice.

Cirno looked back, seeing nothing but the Akagi shrinking into the distance, "No, they're not. It doesn't make sense. Strike Witches can fly and I'm sure they saw us." As Cirno turned to face forward again, they passed a huge floating [[Sonic Amp (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography Sonic Amp (The Three Kingdoms)]] generating part of the Sonic Barrier. A faint white light from [[White Noise (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography White Noise (The Three Kingdoms)]] generators could be seen underwater under the amp. Despite flying so close behind the Amp, the atmosphere was eerily silent. The amp reminded Cirno of another issue. "They're missing sound speakers," she pondered aloud, referring to the amps, "They're keeping the Sonic Barrier open for some reason."

"Is the Sonic Barrier dangerous?" asked Alice, as they made impressive progress westwards, "I missed a lot in imprisonment."

"Very. Everything that goes through gets destroyed," explained Cirno. She was not aware of the moon's recent trip through the barrier. "Apart from light. And gravity. Sort of like the Hakurei Barrier except the Hakurei Barrier doesn't destroy the object." Cirno took a moment to think. "Come to think of it, the sun's still hot so maybe it lets heat through too?"

"Infra-red radiation is just past visible light on the spectrum."

"Ye-yeah," agreed Cirno, who clearly didn't understand.

"But then how did the Thunder Child get through?"

"I don't know. We do have this thing called the [[Convenience Theory (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography Convenience Theory (The Three Kingdoms)]] that basically says if a creator made something that has an ability then it will have that ability whether or not it can be explained. Maybe the Thunder Child was made to be able to break through any barrier?"

"But then what about Haruhi? Isn't she a supreme goddess?" Cirno spotted a lone but well lit island in the distance ahead.

"By The Convenience Theory both the Hakurei and Sonic Barrier block her powers."

Alice rephrased her question, "But then if an unstoppable bowling ball hits an unmovable lamppost, which one wins?"

"... I'm not sure," admitted Cirno.

"Can't Haruhi recreate the Thunder Child?"

There was a long pause, "... I'm not sure on the details but she can't remake anything that uses the the Convenience Theory without being able to use it herself. Maybe she can't make something that doesn't make sense or something. Maybe..."

Cirno was clearly straining from the unnaturally intense thought so Alice changed the subject. "... I see. Well, Cirno, I don't know you that well. What sort of things do you like?"

"The cold," immediately replied Cirno, "I have been thinking of doing writing lately though."

"That reminds me a great friend of mine who wanted to become a professional writer called [[Solace (Arcania City)|Template:Biography Solace (Arcania City)]]. I hope she's safe in Arcania City."

As they approached, the island let out a loud bellow of a horn, similar to the Akagi. Cirno noticed the small island had three huge sail masts and a wall surrounding it, indicating it was actually a island made into a huge ship. On the sails was a massive Jolly Roger sign and writing reading: [[Thriller Bark (One Piece)|Template:Biography Thriller Bark (One Piece)]]. "Alice, we need to turn right. They've blocked passage to the Carbean."

Alice took another sharp turn north, the sunlight slowly becoming visible over the western horizon. "Anyone following?"

Cirno once again scanned the entire area, "No one. ...I'm scared, Alice," her voice stammered, "If Haruhi could make more Thunder Children, Gensokyo is doomed."

"Yamaha won't let North High take it," comforted Alice, though she wasn't too confident herself. She changed the topic again, "What sort of writing do you want to do?"

"... Adventure. I'm not sure where to start." Cirno's voice stabilized.

"Solace told me that villains are a easy place to start planning."

"... Villains..." repeated Cirno slowly, deep in thought.

Statistics[edit | edit source]


  • Words: 1008
  • Characters: 4960

References[edit | edit source]

  • Template:WikiLink is the reaction to threats with a general discharge of the sympathetic nervous system, priming the animal for fighting or fleeing.