Chapter 61.2 - Who Needs Friends

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Chapter Archive

Who Needs Friends?[edit | edit source]

Ellis flipped head over heels several times from Arsenal Gear's impact. As he steadied himself in the air, another huge object struck his body full force from the front, slamming him away. Ellis regained his balance more quickly this time out of renewed urgency and opened his eyes to see a massive Ruyi Jingu Bang shooting towards him, end-first, going for another slam. Ellis revved up Stella's mecha wings and attempted to fly up. However, the fast approaching Bang tilted upwards, continuing its flight towards him. He quickly summoned Stella's ★rock cannon and shot to the side, firing quick balls of energy. The sideways momentum just pushed him out the path of the huge Bang that dwarfed him. Then the Bang moved sideways too, striking Ellis with its side. The lack of acceleration meant the impact force was not great but the rod continued to push Ellis horizontally. He scrambled with one hand to climb up the side of the Bang but struggled to get a grip of the smooth and wet surface. With his other hand still in the cannon, he fired another shot, pushing him up slightly, his shoes managing to gain a purchase on the Bang's side. Unsummoning the cannon, Ellis performed a wing-assisted jump over the top on the Bang, just as another smashed into it, the deafening metal ringing and echoing through the raining sky.

Having just avoided being crushed, Ellis was panicking, "Oh fug, oh fug, oh fug." It was at this point he noticed the left side of his jawbone had snapped, preventing him from bleating out some of his favourite expletives. But that was the least of his problems as he frantically looked around.

Arsenal Gear, glowing slightly with a sinister blue tint, was floating above him. But it was the glare of yellow that caught his attention.

Misaka Mikoto jumped off Arsenal Gear, diving head first. Ellis didn't know what to do, Mikoto was obviously an enemy but he really didn't want to fight her. What could a gunslinger do against an Electromaster? Well, he wasn't any old gunslinger now.

Ellis pointed the ceramic cannon at Mikoto and charged a power shot. Mikoto made no attempt to move out the way as Ellis released the trigger, unleashing a fantastic blue beam. A blue spark flickered out her temple and the beam unceremoniously turned to the left, avoiding Mikoto completely.

"Hmm... that didn't work," thought Ellis as Mikoto performed an aerial somersault and landed, school shoes first, on his face.

Wesker recovered from the impact from Arsenal Gear faster than Ellis. But he was caught off-guard a second time as someone landed on his surfboard behind him. He felt an immediate loss of Cosmic Power as the other person forced the board to spread its abilities between its two riders. And then a blade was stabbed through this back.

The pain was nothing to Wesker, in a sad sort of way, as he had suffered

dA Credit code[edit | edit source]

Chapter Archive

First Chapter: 0 - Dear Diary

Next Chapter: [1]

Previous Chapter: 60.2 - Who Needs Enemies?

If you spot any mistakes (spelling, grammar, logic or otherwise), please let me know.


Automatic Credit Generator is still undergoing refinements. Not much else to say though it's starting to get very cold again. British Gas have nicely put up their gas prices again this winter. [/sarcasm]


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Statistics[edit | edit source]

Word Count
  • Words: 3270
  • Characters: 16,108
  • Pages (rounded up): 7
Cumulative Total
  • Words: 135,059
  • Characters: 651,325
  • Pages (rounded up): 295

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