Chapter 35 - Impending Doom

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The Three Kingdoms - Chapter 0 (Chapter) ←← {{{3}}}Chapter 34 - Epilogue: Hatsune Miku, Lynette Bishop, Santiago Miguel Rivera, Sasaki, ???, Kyon

Chapter Archive

Impending Doom[edit | edit source]

Date: 21st December 2014

Imagine my surprise to see Naluri knocking on my front door this morning. She requested my assistance with a minidisc. I was cautious about aiding her but in the end Haruhi has been quite sincere about letting us keep our freedom, as well as our protection from others. But why Naluri asked for my aid rather than Haruhi's or Sasaki's is bothering me. What is there that I can do that they can't? Perhaps Naluri wanted to hide something but the two goddesses are all-seeing are they not? Surely they know I'm typing this report this very moment.

Nevertheless, I ended up agreeing to do what she asked for no cost. I wondered whether I could learn something from her visit. Naluri was the key individual that stopped my plans for world domination being one of the two people, the other being Sasaki, that successfully used the DeLorean exactly one year ago on Doomsday's first anniversary. Haruhi has forced me to keep this a secret but I still have not been fully aware of what happened back then but Naluri was clearly the one in charge.

And now she is strapped down here in my laboratory in my castle. She is currently unconscious, experiencing what the disc has to offer. This disc is definitely an interesting object. It appears to contain the memories of her future self who eventually died from fatal wounds after being hit by the DeLorean. This is prime for studying. Perhaps this is an opportunity to start my plans again. Or maybe I shouldn't bother. There is no possible way I'm not being watched.

This past year has been very calm. Relations between natives and newcomers have been doing well, relatively. In the arts, cooperation has been excellent. North High and Yamaha have been open to hosting native events and performing worldwide. Reimu has not been so sociable, keeping to Old Gensokyo for the majority of the year, only going overseas twice, I believe to Japan in both cases. When it comes to the sciences, we newcomers have been keeping our distance from native researchers. As proud as I am in my inventions and creations, I do not trust anyone else, especially natives, with them. In that sense, for me, this past year has been uneventful and quite boring. My heart ached to find something interesting to do. And then Naluri came along.

The procedure with Naluri seems to be going well, though she appears to be in constant pain for some reason. It has been around half an hour since the procedure started and have since been hearing news, on native and newcomer networks, that an international crisis has just started. Details have been very vague to say the least. Every channel or source that reports on this so-called crisis is interrupted with static or is taken down by bandwidth issues. I am very curious about the matter but I do not want to leave Naluri alone in my laboratory. I do not want to miss the effects of this procedures and I do not want to run the risk of Naluri somehow freeing herself and examining my laboratory for any reason whatsoever.

This crisis could not have happened with Haruhi's and Sasaki's blessing. Maybe it's a ploy to lure me out of my castle to without treading on my 'freedom' though as I implied above, I'm really not sure why they would need to do that. They have the power to shut down anything instantly but, in that sense, they also have the power to stop it from happening in the first place. This somewhat sounds like a Yamaha ploy. They can shut down the media quickly from New Yamaha but can't prevent any initial reporting. Strangely enough, all my ways of communicating with anyone outside the castle do not work. Whatever the reason, I'll be able to find out once Naluri's done with the disc. I feel ashamed to have fallen low enough to be hacked like this. It is just plain embarrassing.

Speaking of which, I'm suddenly not feeling too well. A little drowsy and somewhat nauseous. My vision is blurringghhhhhhhhhhhh ,,,,IJKIIIII XXXXCCCAN;;TTTTTT SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

All is fine.

[[Victor von Doom (Marvel Universe)|Template:Biography Victor von Doom (Marvel Universe)]]

Statistics[edit | edit source]


  • Words: 1008
  • Characters: 4960

References[edit | edit source]

  • Unfaithful Order is a reference to four characters in this chapter:
    • Yuri obeyed the orders of the Soviet Union but pursues his own agenda, eventually forming his own faction.
    • Starscream