Chapter 27 - Final Wish

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The Three Kingdoms - Chapter 0 (Chapter) ←← {{{3}}}Chapter 26 - Unfaithful Order

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Final Wish[edit | edit source]

"We need to close the distance," noted Ælious as Ilse continued to untie him from Alice. The HMS Thunder Child was roaring through the air, effortlessly travelling through the night sky on the other side of the Statue of Liberty. Alice and Lynette flew to the north-east over water to intercept the Thunder Child as the Statue began to turn. "Sakuya, now!" called Ælious. Despite being miles away to the south at the start of Ælious' calling, by the time he finished speaking, the HMS Thunder Child had already travelled a considerable distance in the air directly underneath Alice, Lynette not yet having caught up. The HMS Thunder Child slowed down a huge amount but was still faster than a ordinary car, as Sakuya slowed down time as best she could, leaving only Ælious and herself unaffected. Free from Ilse and Alice, Ælious dropped from Alice. As he fell, he held Ilse's right arm at the upper arm like a sword, Ilse's right hand securely holding onto the Subtle Knife tip. He slashed downwards four times, cutting a square into the deck of the Thunder Child. Hitting the deck with a very elongated clank, Ælious rolled down the deck, taking hold of the edge of the hole, stopping himself from rolling straight off the ship. He pulled himself to the hole and gave the seemingly hovering square of the deck that he cut out a strong kick downwards to make it fall faster. Rolling inside, he took a quick look around to see Marisa on the bottom deck with her arms in the ship's hyperdrive. The rest of the ship's occupants, including Rin and the past versions of Sasaki and Naluri, were at the nose of the vessel in the bridge. Having reached a solid surface, Ælious was able to Void Instant Move again, straight down to Marisa just as the hyperdrive began to glow. Wasting no time, he Instantly Moved straight out the hole just Sakuya's energy ran out. The HMS Thunder Child roared away, the air turbulence sending Ælious and Marisa into a spin in the air. The back of the Thunder Child exploded, enabling it to avoid a green ball of goo fired by the Statue of Liberty. Ælious suddenly felt something grab his collar and his position stabilised, hovering over the Atlantic waters.

"Who the hell are you?" asked Marisa, holding Ælious by the back of his collar and hovering over the waters, "And what just happened?"

"Just passers-by who just saved your life," groaned Ælious, feeling ill from the spinning. Alice caught up to Marisa, the Thunder Child having left them behind.

"Alice?" realised Maria with confusion, "What's going on?"

"Marisa," greeted White from the portal above them, Ilse still holding onto the generator, "How strong are you compared to Reimu?"

Marisa looked up at White, recognising the portal technology but not White herself, "Far stronger of course," she answered with a raised eyebrow, "Why?"

White ignored Marisa's question again, "Ælious, Marisa might be your ticket in," she declared as a SOS Thunder Child portalled nearby via Thunder Child portal chaining from Arkham Asylum.

As Marisa flew into the portal above with Ælious, the others landed on the nearby SOS Thunder Child. Haruki and an awake Naluri were on board. They had left the helicopter that had been on board at the Asylum. Naluri was sat down by the front funnel of the ship with an indifferent but very tired expression. Hakuri was standing but looked a lot happier, "We're doing well," he nodded. SOS Thunder Children portalled in the north, each activating their portals to the north and south, allowing other Thunder Children from the Asylum to almost instantly portal into position by travelling through the portal. This created a chain of SOS Thunder Children straight from the Asylum to the garage in Canada, beating even the HMS Thunder Child there. The SOS Thunder Child they were on went through the portal generated by the ship in front, passing through all the portals of the northern vessels, reaching the intact garage site.

"You didn't get Rin out?" asked Naluri, with concern.

"...No," answered Alice as Ilse untied herself from her, "Marisa was our primary concern."

"Rin was terribly damaged when the Thunder Child hit ground," pointed out Naluri, closing her exhausted eyes, "Removing Marisa prematurely may cause Rin's destruction." Alice did not reply as she slowly lowered Ilse onto the deck floor. Back in her original form, Ilse was in a terrible condition without her lower legs, her single pupil having faded away, leaving her blind again. Alice led Ilse's hand to her own eye to give one of her pupils back.

Sora walked onto the ship deck through a portal by the still active portal generator. She was carrying an unconscious Black on her back. "Is everyone okay?" she asked simply, getting straight to the point.

Alice was about to turn to greet Sora when Ilse embraced Alice round the neck, preventing Alice from turning her head. "Err... We are fine," answered Ilse, "We are just... worn out."

"You look a little more than worn out," commented Sora with a raised eyebrow, "You're not fine at all."

"Speak for yourself," retorted Ilse, raising her own eyebrows. Sora looked down to see her lower body covered in the red bloodlike substance, which Ilse was stopping Alice from seeing.

"It's just a flesh wound. Of sorts. I, err... need it to remain uncovered to allow for self-repair. It's not real blood," explained Sora.

"Even if it's not real..." noted Alice not resisting Ilse's grip, "As long as it looks real... I have problems..."

Sora laid Black on the deck, "Sorry, I'll try to hide it." She sat down. "What happens now? Len's staying with KITT until he can fully restore Miku."

"How'd you get Len back?" inquired Naluri, still with her eyes closed.

"He had an Append version."

"And Rin?"

"She has an Append body but her backup data's been completely overwritten."

"Does Len have the ability to teleport?" Naluri recalled Gumi's ability to teleport.

Sora had a pause before her response, most likely to contact Len, "Yeah." White, Konata, Reisen and Mio walked through the portal from Arkham.

"We need Len to come here," requested Naluri.

"Why?" Sora looked around, "Where are we anyway?"

"We're at the DeLorean garage." There was silence as this sunk in with everyone in the vicinity.

"Haruki!" called Konata urgently, "We need to move away from here!"

Haruki looked confused, "Why?"

"The DeLorean doesn't preserve the flow of time, Haruki!" explained White frantically, "It removes the causes of paradoxes!"

"... So?"

Sora stepped forward, "If we interfere with the use of the DeLorean, Naluri will get erased!" Naluri opened her eyes in realisation.

Horror set on Haruki's face, "I'll move out im-" There was a shriek of metal in the air as the front half of the HMS Thunder Child struck the ground next to the garage with an enormous groan. "It's too late..."

With the exception of Black and Sakuya, everyone else moved to the side of the SOS Thunder Child to look towards the HMS Thunder Child below. Solace, Cirno, Santiago, Ritsu and the past versions of Naluri and Sasaki exited the ship right on time. However, despite the SOS Thunder Child's dominance over the brightly lit garage skyline, none of the six crew members reacted to its presence, even when some of looked directly at the hovering ship.

"That's weird..." noted Sora, "If Rin was on the Thunder Child, she and the others should be completely aware of our presence."

"We had a few other close encounters with the Thunder Child," commented Alice, "Back when we infiltrated the helicarrier and just now when we extracted Marisa."

"Hmm..." suggested Konata, "Mio, try calling out to them."

When there was no objection from anyone Mio did so, "Ritsu!" she shouted loudly, bringing her hands to her mouth. Her voice bellowed at a superhuman volume, easily covering the distance between the two groups. And yet, Ritsu did not react, continuing her tense and cautious walk to the garage.

"Naluri!" rejoiced Haruki, "Do you realise what this means?" He turned to Naluri. "Sasaki is helping us. She's trying to save your life!"

Naluri looked at Haruki's overjoyed face, "You do realise she could be saving her own life?"

"But everything makes more sense if we consider that Sasaki's a good person," conjectured Haruki, "That would explain why we didn't fall into the Sonic Barrier when we fell out the spacecraft. And that would explain why Sasaki hasn't interfered with our rescue attempts." Naluri turned back to the garage below with a frown, unable to argue. She felt her hatred for Sasaki change to pity and forgiveness. "... But that doesn't explain why she pushed you out the window."

Naluri thought back to what Sasaki had said before she pushed her out the window. Everything was beginning to make sense. Everything. Naluri put her hands on her head. "... She... wanted me to hate her..."


"So I could appreciate a certain person better..."

"... Who?"

Naluri just sighed in response. "But even if she is on our side, there's two problems that she hasn't addressed..." At this point, Naluri realised what had just been revealed as her greatest asset would become her biggest obstacle. She looked at Sora, "We need Len to get down there and extract Rin immediately. She was heavily damaged by the impact. Assuming Sasaki is on our side, we should only really use her as a last resort." Sora nodded, her main concerns put to rest.

Ælious and Marisa reached the entrance of The Green Mile to find Tewi and Keine looking into the room, afraid to enter. From the entrance, Reimu could be seen sitting in the middle of the floor, hugging her knees. Marisa had already been briefed on the situation and walked in without a word. Ælious stayed at the entrance, intending to ask Marisa what her plan was but seeing Marisa continue down the corridor, he kept his mouth shut. Reimu was awake and heard Marisa'steps, raising her head to look at Marisa with mistrust. Marisa locked eyes with Reimu with her own serious expression, before walking into the glass wall of the cell with a clank. Reeling back in pain, Marisa cursed, attempted to find the proper way into the cell. Once Marisa found the open door, Reimu stood up threateningly, Marisa taking a spot not far in front.

After a brief moment of silence, Marisa spoke up, "Do you really not recognise me?

"You're not a soldier," replied Reimu, judging by Marisa's clothes, which were burnt and shredded. She did not possess her hat or broom.

"And yet, I fought for you, Reimu," explained Marisa, "By rank, I was your Captain of the Guard of your country. But I would like to think I was much more. I consider you more than a friend and without a thought I died for you twice."

"... What?"

Marisa's green eye began to pulsate, "To end a war you never wanted to have, I sacrificed myself at a nuclear meltdown. The people you once called enemies saved me, all I suffered was blurry sight in one eye and constant nausea." Marisa took a long breath before continuing, "I later discovered you were captured and gave my life to rescue you." She raised her arms, revealing them to be heavily swollen and discoloured an ugly combination of yellow and green from putting her arms into the HMS Thunder Child's hyperdrive. "But again, I was pulled out before the resulting explosion, cursed only by this injury." Marisa lowered her arms and took another breath, tears rolling down her face. "And now here I am. I have been given the chance to save you again."

"Why? Who are you?" Reimu had a concerned look on her face.

"I am Marisa," smiled Marisa, "I am your mother."

"... Mother?" repeated Reimu with surprise. Ælious looked at Tewi who just scratched her head in confusion. Marisa nodded at Reimu, stepping forward for an embrace. Reimu sniffed with sorrow, tears forming under her eyes, "Mother!" she called, jumping at Marisa with open arms. With this sudden drop of guard, Marisa grabbed Reimu by the side of the head and slammed it into the glass wall of cell, immediately knocking Reimu.

"Hey, Ælious!" Marisa called, "Get in here!"

Ælious jogged in, flipping Reimu onto her back on the ground. Apart from a slight bruise on the right side of her forehead from the glass impact, Reimu looked uninjured. He noticed Reimu had a spell tag tightly held in her fist. As he struggled to open her fist, he spoke up, "That was... well... fast."

Marisa turned away with a frown, "In cases like this it's better to lie. Reimu will understand if you get her memory back."

Tewi skipped in, "Hey, Marisa, are you really Reimu's mother?" she asked jokingly with a grin.

The expression on Marisa's face turned to one of threatening seriousness as she walked over to Tewi, towering over the short Youkai Rabbit, "Are you calling me old?" she inquired with scary calmness and a twitchy eyebrow.

Tewi immediately cowered putting her hands on her head in fear, "I'm sorry! I was just joking!"

Unscrunching the spell tag to find it in one piece, Ælious spoke up again, "Marisa, could you check up on KC for me?" he gently reminded, as his hands began to glow a glitchy pink.

"Oh yeah," remembered Marisa, "I'll be right back," she said as she made her way to the security hub.

A bright yellow column of column of light dropped down by the open end of the HMS Thunder Child. As Len was at a major Yamaha building, The War Factory, he had a strong connection to the Yamaha network, allowing an immediate teleport. He ran into the ship to find the damaged Rin, clicking loudly. Her eyes followed his movement, indicating she was aware of Len's presence. "Rin, shut your systems down. I'll get you to your Append body as soon as possible." Rin did so without a word, the whirling noise fading away. Using his rocket boots to reach the SOS Thunder Child, he used the portal generator's portal to head back to The War Factory, unable to teleport with Rin.

Naluri glanced up to see Galactus overlooking the area, "White, did Galactus agree to join The Humour Society?"

"Yeah," White answered.

"Could you get him to intercept Harbinger?"

"I don't have communication equipment," pointed out White, "You can call the Normandy SR-2 to pass on the message. We're all aware of the situation. The Humour Society is at your command, Naluri." White saluted, straightening her back.

"Thanks, White," Naluri nodded. Haruki handed her back the earpiece, Naluri only realising it had been removed. Reinserting the piece into her ear, Naluri hailed the Normandy, "Shepard? This is Naluri. Could you ask Galactus to intercept Harbinger?"

"Gladly," answered Shepard.

"Also, I need the Normandy to back up Galactus from Master Hand, Crazy Hand and Andross. And Doom if possible."

"Acknowledged. It may be difficult to counter a single person with a heavy spacecraft without damaging the surroundings."


Galactus' voice suddenly boomed from the sky, "Our enemies approach." He caught the rapidly descending Harbinger before it even came close to ground, throwing the Reaper behind him.

On the ground below, Cirno and Solace fell over, the other four potential time-travellers turning to the south-eastern corner of car park. Oddly, the past versions of Naluri and Sasaki shook wildly for a moment. "Cirno, Sasaki, Santiago!" cried Ritsu, backing up to the shutter door, glaring towards the corner, "Get in there and find the DeLorean. Quick!" Santiago picked up Cirno and ran into the garage followed by Sasaki.

"Hmm..." noted Sora, "They're still acting as though Harbinger landed."

"But Sasaki shouldn't be able to affect the past versions of Naluri or Saski," commented White, "So why are they acting weird too?"

"While neither Haruhi nor Sasaki could affect me directly," answered Naluri, "They can still affect what we sense by affecting my surroundings. That's why my past self and Sasaki were shaking. While for everyone else, Sasaki can just implant the feeling of Harbinger's impact with the ground, she actually has to shake our past selves to fool us. By it's nature, touch is the hardest sense to fool." Ritsu summoned her blue biotic barrier. Naluri looked round the group on the SOS Thunder Child. "But we still need someone to counter Doom."

"Yamaha's at your command, Naluri," said a female voice over communications.

Doom slammed down into the ground in front of Ritsu as predicted but a bright teal coloured light dropped from the sky between them, blocking a heavy punch from Doom. Still shining brightly, the light form tripped Doom back and tossed him backwards with ease despite his heavy weight. As the light faded away, the form pointed towards the sky, revealing Miku in her Append body. She smiled, "One more time, Doom. One more time."

"Is she not wearing shoes?" asked Ilse, with curiosity.

"It's painful just to look," commented Black with a grin. She had regained consciousness and crawled to the side of the SOS Thunder Child to observe what was happening. "Still, it's good to see her back. By the way, Sora... Sorry for damaging you."

Sora shook her head, "It was Yuri's fault. Did you expect him to appear? Is that why you gave me your Shooter powers?"

"Actually, no, I didn't," admitted Black, "I gave you my powers to shorten the time it would take me to enter Insane mode by bypassing the requirement to enter Shooter mode altogether."

"Get some rest, Black," advised White, "You've not been having the best of days today. You've entered Insane mode three times, fought Remilia to a stalemate, Magneto and Doom to a significant loss, Wesker probably to a bare victory and finally Sora, Len and Yuri to incapacitation."

Black rolled her eyes, "You forgot the time you knocked me on the back of the head."

"You had no use to Doom or Magneto. I saved your life."

"No, you didn't," stated Naluri bluntly, still looking at the events below.

White looked up in thought, "Hmm... I guess not. My mistake."

Ritsu had fallen backwards in surprise. Solace was standing by, also surprised at Miku's sudden entrance. "It seems like Sasaki stops forcing the past on people once we interfere," noted Naluri, "Except for..." The past Naluri suddenly turned her around to the shutter door, launched her grappling hook into the garage and pulled with both hands. She was suddenly jerked clean off her feet towards the open door. Solace, briefly distracted by the sudden disappearance of Harbinger and the sudden appearance of the SOS Thunder Child to her, tried to take hold of the grappling cable when an invisible force pushed her aside, causing her to fall backwards onto the ground. Despite Solace's lack of help, Naluri's dragging across the ground stopped and it was clear by the grappling cable's bent form that an invisible force was aiding Naluri and pulling the cable. Suddenly, a green light shot down from the sky in front of the past Naluri, forming Gumi who was facing the shutter door. She just turned round, looking incredibly confused.

"... What's going on?" asked Reisen, "None of this makes sense."

"Miku interfered with events," explained Naluri, "If she had not stopped Doom, Doom would have gravely injured Ritsu and made it into the garage. I used the grappling hook on Doom but wasn't strong enough to pull him without Solace's help. Doom would have shot lightning at Solace, which Gumi would have blocked just in time. But now, while she's allowing everyone else to adjust to this new future, Sasaki is ensuring former events flow smoothly to my past self, which is why she just stopped Solace just now from interfering. Alice, Sora, Mio, Konata, get down there and explain to them what's going on. Back up Miku if necessary."

Konata saluted, "North High will do its best," she said before jumping off the ship with the others. Just then, Yuki smashed into the ground next to Gumi, looking around, just as confused. Naluri noticed the Hand Cannon from Ritsu's back come out of its holster by itself and slide across the ground to her past self. She remembered that Ritsu had slid it to her in the first iteration of these events.

Miku was toying with Doom, clearly showing Doom had no chance of winning against Yamaha without Magneto's help. She, like Gumi, also possessed the lightningrod ability and was absorbing the electricity that Doom was firing at her. "Naluri!" she called, "Do you need electricity for the DeLorean?"

Naluri's past self did not react. "Don't risk the storage!" Naluri called back from the SOS Thunder Child, "Earth it!"

"Well, if you don't need it, I have a better use for it," grinned Miku. She threw a leash made of blue lightning, catching Doom round the neck and gave a strong tug. Doom fell forwards, allowing Miku to give him a satisfying elbow to the face. Doom's armour was preventing him from falling unconscious but Miku was in no mood to stop.

"We need someone from Gensokyo to take on Magneto," advised Naluri, "Someone who carries no metal."

"I'll do it," volunteered Reisen, stepping forward. Sakuya was sitting cross-legged by the deck edge, beaten to the punch.

"Didn't you come straight out of Arkham?" asked Naluri, "You ought to sit this one out."

"I'll take on Magneto," said Reimu behind them, walking out the portal from Arkham. Walking next to her was Marisa and Ælious with KC on his back. KC's extensive damage was not yet obvious. "Just make sure whoever fights Ganondorf gives him a beating for me."

"Are you in a condition to fight?"

"The effects of the gassing have long since worn out. I'll be fine," nodded Reimu, "Gensokyo's all yours, Naluri." She jumped off the ship.

"Marisa, go in the garage and talk to Cirno," ordered Naluri, "Ælious could you do the same to Santiago. Don't bother with Sasaki. Her future self won't let you touch her." Marisa nodded and followed Reimu. Ælious placed KC down on her back, her full damage revealed, before jumping off too.

Haruki couldn't help squinting at KC's lack of a lower half, gazing for a moment at Ilse's damage, "If I had my godlike powers, I'd repair you." He looked back down at the garage where Gumi was aiding Miku against Doom, Doom completely helpless. Alice and Mio were giving Ritsu some well needed medical attention.

Naluri glanced at him without a word. "Len, how's Rin restoration going? I'd like a Vocaloid to fight the Alien Queen. I don't want to risk an acidic injury."

"Done," reported Len, coming through the portal behind them from The War Factory. He and Rin in her Append body were carrying KITT by the bumpers onto the ship.

"Great. Rin, give him a little help." With that, the two Vocaloids made their way to the ground below. "Sakuya, you feeling okay now?"

Sakuya acknowledged with a nod, "I can feel the gas effect wearing off."

"Go make Reimu's job a little easier."

"Thank you," bowed Sakuya, jumping off.

Naluri could tell Reisen was getting restless, "Reisen, Palpatine's all yours." With a grin, Reisen hopped down. This left Ilse, KC, KITT, Lynette, White, Black, Naluri and Haruki on board the SOS Thunder Child. "Yuki, can you hear me?"

"Loud and clear," answered Yuki's voice in Naluri earpiece.

"Can you and Konata deal with Ganondorf? Don't get distracted. That was your undoing last time."

"As ordered."

With a roar, Metal Gear REX made its way next to the HMS Thunder Child. It paused, clearly confused. Naluri noted that The General Lee had not come out the garage. She put a finger to her ear, "Nitori, can you hear me?"

"Err... Yeah," answered the surprised operator of REX, "What's happening? This doesn't make sense."

"Short answer, the time travel worked. I need to you to literally step on Super Skrull. He ought to be appearing soon to your right. Do not interfere with Naluri, Sasaki or the DeLorean. Understand?"

"... Sure."

There was a sudden shout from below, "These aren't the rabbits you're looking for!" cried Reisen, her arms in the air, successfully driving Palpatine insane.

"Lynette," requested Naluri, "Could you make sure Reisen doesn't go overboard? She's not in the best of conditions." With a salute, Lynette flew down. REX stamped on Super Skrull who had just made his appearance. Naluri looked around. That was every villain accounted for, so she turned her attention to someone else. Her past self was sitting on the floor, holding a portable gravity lift. This had been when the Alien Queen had jumped on her. She then fired a bullstopper bullet at the ground nearby at what she thought was Doom. Just then, the DeLorean drove out the garage with the Liquid Barrier covered Sasaki at the wheel. The past Naluri was lifted into the car and the DeLorean made its way across the car park. Reimu and Magneto, who were in the car's path, were flung aside by an invisible force to allow the car to pass without interference. Without warning, the DeLorean's back began sparking electricity. "Sasaki's powered the DeLorean. She's actually going to make the DeLorean go back in time."

"Is... that a problem?" asked White.

Naluri looked at White, "The DeLorean doesn't preserve the flow of time!"

White raised an eyebrow, "Yeah, I remember saying that."

"If the DeLorean goes back in time, it will overwrite the changes we've made since then. If my past self has anything changed to what I had, things could end up being different. I might have stopped Sasaki from changing the time travel period and end up crashing straight into the Hakurei Barrier, for example."

"Well, that's true," admitted White, "But if Sasaki made you two experience the exact same things then this future should happen again, right?"

"But that's impossible. Sasaki doesn't know the exact things I experienced. I'm immune to her powers. She can't tell how I react to any situation."

"Considering scientific fate," explained KC, "As long as the universe, or multiverse, I guess, is in a given condition, the exact future of the multiverse at any given time is certain. In this case, as long as your past selves experience the exact same things, they should react exactly the same."

"You mentioned Sasaki took hold of Haruhi back on the spacecraft," added Haruki, "She could have taken knowledge of the universe's condition from her to ensure scientific fate. Then when the Sonic Barrier went down, she monitored the fate they would have to ensure a safe simulation."

"One problem with that," argued Naluri, "When Sasaki and I travelled back in time, we ended up in Yamaha, while the Sonic Barrier was still up." She waited a moment to let it sink in. "We messed up the 'condition' as soon as we went back in time. Haruhi had no jurisdiction over Yamaha. Sasaki had the Liquid Barrier. Yamaha would have noticed us. Without a doubt. Communications would have been flooded."

"Well, what about scientific past?" brought up White, "Would Sasaki be able to predict what would have happened based off people's memories or whatever?"

"That ought to be possible, given Sasaki's omnipotent powers," commented Ilse.

"Unless Rokahi found out about it," noted KITT. There was a moment of silence again.

"Okay, look, Naluri," pointed out White, "We can't stop the DeLorean. For your sake."

"... Didn't you say there was another problem with Sasaki's plan?" asked Haruki, hesitantly.

Naluri paused, watching the DeLorean drive round the car park at high speed, "... What is your greatest fear?"

"... The loss of a friend?"

Naluri smiled, "I'll be right back." She jumped off the Thunder Child into the car park below.

Haruki blinked in confusion before putting two and two together, intense fury setting on his face, "Naluri!" he screamed, "Don't do it! Everyone! Stop Naluri! She's going to stop the DeLorean!"

The initial confusion allowed Naluri to gain a lot of ground towards the DeLorean. Then people fought back. Miku made a long distance jump at her but before Naluri could react, an invisible force pushed Miku back the way she came. Surprised but otherwise unaffected, Naluri continued on, only to be confronted by Konata. But similarly, Konata was thrown aside before they could make contact. Then Sakuya interfered, her time stopping abilities allowing her to personally cut off Naluri's immediate route. Naluri skidded to halt just as somebody dropped from the sky, pushing Sakuya effortlessly out the way, nullifying her time manipulation abilities.

Naluri was shocked, "...Sasaki?"

Sasaki turned to Naluri with a gentle smile, "I will stand by your decision, Naluri. It would not be right to erase what was our past. It is something we need to leave behind for others to learn from."

"Are you sure? You'll be erased too."

Sasaki bowed her head, "...I am afraid... but I am determined. Just do it." Naluri nodded and ran past, to be suddenly punched in the face by Solace. She toppled over onto the ground.

"Naluri!" bellowed Haruki's voice from the Super Driver, "I can't let you sacrifice yourself!" The Super Driver finally revealed its original purpose as well as its namesake, allowing Haruki to completely control Solace without Sasaki's interference, similar to his control over the SOS Thunder Children.

Naluri stood up with a strong glare of anger at Solace and ran at her. Solace, with a determined expression, probably inherited from Haruki, threw multitudes of long range invisible punches. But Solace was limited by her own abilities. As Naluri ran towards Solace, Sasaki hovered next to her, blocking each and every punch with no effort. Solace attempted to back off but was being held in place by an invisible force generated by Sasaki. "Don't get in our way, Haruki!" shouted Naluri at the top of her voice as she touched the Super Driver. The Super Driver disappeared as Naluri placed it in her Hammerspace, breaking the link between Solace and Haruki.

"No!" shouted Haruki with fear from the SOS Thunder Child, "Please don't do it!"

Naluri ignored him as she stood in front of the speeding DeLorean, which was travelling at 60mph. Without Sasaki's interference, Naluri was hit by the DeLorean and tossed aside like a ragdoll.

Statistics[edit | edit source]


  • Words: 1008
  • Characters: 4960

References[edit | edit source]

  • Unfaithful Order is a reference to four characters in this chapter:
    • Yuri obeyed the orders of the Soviet Union but pursues his own agenda, eventually forming his own faction.
    • Starscream