Chapter 2.1 - Don't Take It Easy

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The Three Kingdoms - Chapter 0 (Chapter) ←← {{{3}}}Chapter 1.3 - The Scheme of Suzumiya Haruhi

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Don't Take It Easy[edit | edit source]

"We need to get out of here," emphasised Sora, pocketing her phone, "Where's the 501st stationed?" she asked Lynette.

"We were recently transferred to [[The Canary Islands (Native)|Template:Biography The Canary Islands (Native)]]."

"How much trust do you have in your crew?"

"I'd trust them with my life. But the 501st isn't the only unit stationed on the Islands. And I'd rather not involve them in this."

"Point made. And it would take you too close to [[London (Native)|Template:Biography London (Native)]]."

Lynette blinked, "Me? What are you going to do?"

"This gives me a good chance to do something I've had no opportunity to before," Sora turned to the [[native (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography native (The Three Kingdoms)]] woman, "What's the patching system for?"

"I don't know. We constantly update code to the town of [[Maldon (Native)|Template:Biography Maldon (Native)]], east of here."

"Awesome. I'd head there. Miku's clearly up to something here, hopefully something that can get me out of the Kingdom so I can find those I have missed for such a long time."

Lynette stepped forward with a determined expression on her face, "I'll come with you."

Sora took a moment to think, "... It's probably safer for you to come with me. Here," she passed the [[Striker Unit (Strike Witches)|Template:Biography Striker Unit (Strike Witches)]]s to Lynette, "Put these on." As Lynette did so, Sora turned to the woman again, "So what was your name?"

"[[Melanie Williams (Native)|Template:Biography Melanie Williams (Native)]]. I'm truly sorry about what I've done to you."

Sora completely ignored the apology. "Mel. Rin was actually correct." Melanie blinked. "If I threw you out the window, I can guarantee you'll survive. However, I can also guarantee you'd be spending the next two months in intensive care. This is the Kingdom's way of dealing with opposition. It's simple but extremely effective given how well publicised it is."

Melanie frowned, "While I've heard plenty about Rin's Stray Posse, I've never heard [[The Black Squad (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography The Black Squad (The Three Kingdoms)]] throwing people out of windows."

"The Black Squad do not have authorisation to throw people out of windows."

"Authorisation? And you do?"

It was Sora's turn to frown, "I do."

"Why are you special?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Shall we get going?" asked Lynette, hovering with her Striker Units active, "Get on my back."

Sora did so, wrapping her arms round Lynette's neck, "Mel, do your best. For your safety. For our piece of mind." Lynette took off, smashing through one of the large glass windows, heading toward the east. "Oh, Lynette? Thanks for the support."

"No problem."

Meanwhile, outside [[Crypton Studios (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography Crypton Studios (The Three Kingdoms)]] in London, Black slowly lowered the phone from her ear, glaring at the mobile before pocketing it.

"She didn't last long did she?" asked a female voice to her left.

Black turned to face Rin who was leaning on the roadside fence. She was wearing her Stray Posse uniform which consisted of a bikini top, shorts, boots and winged goggles. "Look, Rin," strongly advised Black, "Don't get involved in my business."

Rin smirked, "Should you really be saying that to your superior? And the enforcer of Law no less?"

Black glowered as she turned towards the Crypton Studio double door entrance, she swung one door open before pausing. "Put some clothes on. You're cramping my style." Black closed the door behind her.

Rin grinned, "Whatever," she stated as she followed Black in.

"I need the four of you to prepare for anything that happens after this," ordered Miku, who was sitting on her throne that was glowing a light green. The room had speakers and amps placed round the walls and the floor was covered in wires and cables. "Rin, Len, reinforce Teto in [[Canada (Native)|Template:Biography Canada (Native)]]. Gumi, cover [[Asia (Native)|Template:Biography Asia (Native)]]. Black, I'd like you to cover [[Africa (Native)|Template:Biography Africa (Native)]] once you've taken care of your little... problem." Rin couldn't help smirking.

"Of course," bowed Black, ignoring Rin completely.

"So, what do you all think of this situation?" asked Miku, not dropping her serious tone.

"It must be Haruhi's work," suggested Len, "[[Gensokyo (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography Gensokyo (The Three Kingdoms)]] wouldn't risk opening [[The Hakurei Barrier (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography The Hakurei Barrier (The Three Kingdoms)]] just to control the moon's path." Len was part of the Stray Posse under Rin but was still considered a high power figure.

"Haruhi's the only one with any control in space," added Gumi, who was sitting on one of the nearby speakers, "She'd be the only one to know that London's our capital." Gumi was the Yamaha Kingdom's Head Marshall, being the commander over the Kingdom's entire military force.

Miku crossed her legs, "Assuming Haruhi is behind this, what would Reimu be thinking?"

"There's no way Gensokyo would get involved with this," commented Black, "Dropping the Barrier, even just part of it, is too risky. Also Gensokyo wouldn't just drop the moon. Reimu's top priority was finding her shrine and wouldn't risk it getting destroyed. If this is indeed Haruhi's work we could take advantage of Gensokyo's neutrality."

"From what we can see through the Barrier, Gensokyo has not changed any behaviour," suggested Rin, "It is possible they have not even noticed given how disorganised and uncooperative they are."

Black folded her arms, "But we can't forget that Gensokyo own United States, a technological superpower. It'd be safe to assume they've already leeched institutions like [[Black Mesa (Half-Life)|Template:Biography Black Mesa (Half-Life)]] and all the [[Area 51 (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography Area 51 (The Three Kingdoms)]]s."

Miku nodded with a smile, "Right, this makes your mission a lot more important, Rin. Understand?"

"Fully," saluted Rin.

Clearly aware she was out of the loop, Black spoke up, "Umm... So how are we going to deal with a falling moon? Given how big the moon is, it won't be completely shredded by [[The Sonic Barrier (The Three Kingdoms)|Template:Biography The Sonic Barrier (The Three Kingdoms)]] and still be huge when it hits London."

Miku grinned, "How about you head out to deal with your primary objective? You'll see our plan as soon as exit the building."

"Oh-Okay?" Black slowly made her way out, not impressed by being in the dark.

The rest of the group waited until she was out of earshot. Rin was unhappy, "Doesn't Black seem a bit slow to you?"

"Cut her some slack, Rin," Miku proposed, "She's human. They need time to think."

"But they're so inefficient."

"She contributed more to the conversation than you did. And besides," Miku gave Rin a stern look, "Who made you?"

Rin was caught off guard by the question and turned to look at Len, who blinked in confusion. She faced back to Miku, "I'll keep my mouth shut but please don't bring that up again."

Black pushed the east-facing front door open. A very distant object to the south caught her eye. It was a behemoth stretching into the sky, making its way towards the capital.

"Atlas," she murmured.

Statistics[edit | edit source]


  • Words: 1082
  • Characters: 5164

References[edit | edit source]

Navigation[edit | edit source]

align=center bgcolor=#Template:Biography (TTK1) colspan=2|The First Arc of The Three Kingdoms - Acceptance
align=center bgcolor=#Template:Biography Light (TTK1)|0 : Prologue | 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 3 | 4.1 | 4.2 | 5 | 6 | 7.1 | 7.2 | 7.3 | 8.1 | 8.2 | 8.3 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13.1 | 13.2 | 13.3 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | Epilogue : 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34

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