Chapter 12 - Crossover

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The Three Kingdoms - Chapter 0 (Chapter) ←← {{{3}}}Chapter 11 - Blissless Ignorance

Chapter Archive

Crossover[edit | edit source]

The three sat in silence, their thoughts blurred, unsure of what to do or say. They ignored the continued ringing of Cirno's hung up mobile. KITT had his windows darkened so no one outside could see in. Now was not the time to reveal to the outside world what had just happened. Ilse was holding tightly onto Cirno's bag, Cirno had her face in the hands and Alice was staring blankly out the window as KITT continued towards Toronto.

Suddenly, a large blue-rimmed circle appeared right in front of them. KITT swerved to the left, Alice instinctively grabbing onto the steering wheel in shock. However, the portal was far too close to dodge and KITT went straight through to another area that was approaching night time. KITT skidded to a halt on the sandy beach, avoiding Kaito, who was standing in front of them, clearly waiting. The car was immediately surrounded by other Yamaha officials, Namine Ritsu, Lily and Black. The Orange portal behind them disappeared, revealing a dormant medical helicopter as the producer of the orange portal. Kaito walked up to Alice's window of the car and knocked on the window with his knuckle.

"I will take care of it," offered Ilse, getting out of the car on her own side, closing the door behind her. "What do you want?" she demanded, putting on Cirno's bag. She wasn't too concerned about the androids, far more concerned about Black.

"We're giving the three of you the opportunity to leave Yamaha," stated Lily. Ilse looked around. To the east and west were Sonic Amps. They were actually in the Sonic Barrier's area of effect, indicating these Sonic Amps as well as several others further away were deactivated.

"...Why?" inquired Ilse with an unsure frown, tightening her grip on the bag strap.

"Because we need help," answered Black, stepping forward, with a hand on her heart, "We bit off far too much than we could chew. We need your cooperation. Please."

Sora tapped her fingers together, sat further south on the same beach. Lynette was standing next to her, wrapped with a towel, her rifle and Striker Units on the sand. Solace was also standing up, adjusting her collar and sleeves, the dormant Super Driver making her unable to change her wet shirt. Behind them were Akiyama Mio, Remilia, Tsukimiya Ayu and RAY, its mouth open, revealing Nitori in the driver's seat. Sora shook her head in disbelief once more, the atmosphere completely silent. No on wanted to talk.

Naluri was watching using night-vision goggles. She was standing on the most westerly SOS Thunder Child, watching the standoff that was occurring a good distance away on Barbados beach. The Thunder Children was completely still, floating in the air and forming a line facing the Sonic Barrier. The faint glow of the white noise section of the Barrier could be seen underwater. It was odd to see the Sonic Barrier without an accompanying Hakurei Barrier.

"What are they doing?" whispered Santiago. There was no real need to whisper but in this situation it did deem it fitting.

"Trading," responded Naluri, not looking away, "Or at least about to."

Sasaki walked close to them, staying behind a funnel, her Barrier being the most luminous object in the area. "I can't find a way in. There's no door around the whole ship."

"Hmm..." conjectured Santiago, "Maybe Haruhi decided not to add doors, she didn't really have no need for them."

Naluri interrupted, "The trading's started. They're walking. Slowly, I might add. Wait. What is that car doing? It's going into the water and the androids are completely ignoring it."

"Car?" repeated Santiago.

"Well, I've lost sight of it now it's in the water. That was... one weird car."

Sasaki spoke up, "The Vocaloids didn't notice it?"

"No. Well, I understand Black being human and all, she's not looking. But I'd expect the androids to be able to detect the movement or sound."

"... I think we should check on it."

"Where is KI-?" began Ilse as they walked down the beach. She stopped when Alice put a finger to her mouth for silence. With the same finger she pointed subtly towards the ocean with a shrug.

Ilse sighed, understanding she'd have to ask later, "Well, personally, I do not mind leaving Yamaha." At this point the people on the opposing side were clearly visible. Sora was holding both of Lynette's Striker Units. Both Ilse and Cirno recognised Ayu as well as Remilia and Nitori. "... What? What are Yamaha and North High doing together?" Cirno took hold of Alice's hand, fearing North High's presence. Alice's attention was on something completely different. As the two groups of three came closer together, Alice and Solace stared at each other in the eyes. They were about to pass when they stopped each other by placing a hand on the other's shoulder.

"Solace," greeted Alice, "Is that you?" The other four people stopped walking, with curiosity.

"Alice?" replied Solace, "What happened to your eyes? What canon are you from?"

"I lost them on Doomsday. Had to stay in Gensokyo for a year. As for the canon, me, you, Ælious, Lash, Chamber, living in the same house in Arcania City."

Solace nodded, "That's the one. You heading for Arcania City now?"

"Not particularly. We were just forced to leave Yamaha. Is the City okay?"

"I don't know," sighed Solace, shaking her head, "I've been in the Colony all this time. And now I'm being forced to leave. I just want to go back home." Sora looked over at Black, before facing away again. Just then, without warning, a object rose out of the water with a metallic yawn, opening its side door and catching everyone's attention. "Heh," smirked Solace, "The Thunder Child still has life in her." She turned to Sora and Lynette, "Do you really want to go back to Yamaha?"

"... Not really," answered Sora. Lynette shook her head in agreement.

"I'll go with you," offered Alice.

"A-And me!" requested Cirno, surprising Lynette, Sora and Solace. Ilse just shrugged with a weak smile. Sora, Alice and Cirno carried Lynette, Solace and Ilse respectively to the open door in no particular hurry. The door of the HMS Thunder Child slammed, let out a loud horn as though in jest before sinking under the water.

The eight observers left on the beach just watched the Thunder Child leave doing absolutely nothing. Black was the one to recover first, looking at everyone else staring at the water. She laughed in pity, shaking her head in disbelief, "We're a complete mess. A complete mess. We all used to be so confident but now unsure of everything. It's not worth it. I'm going to personally hand in my resignation to Miku." She turned round and walked away without another word.

Statistics[edit | edit source]


  • Words: 1008
  • Characters: 4960

References[edit | edit source]

  • Template:WikiLink is the reaction to threats with a general discharge of the sympathetic nervous system, priming the animal for fighting or fleeing.