Template:Graph/Horizontal Bar

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Use[edit source]

{{Graph/Horizontal Bar
| max             = The maximum value of the graph (default 100)
| min             = The minimum value of the graph (default 0)
| value           = The value to be used for the bar width
| width           = the width of the bar graph (default 100)
| height          = the height of the bar (default 12)
| showvalue       = "yes" or "no" to show the value inside the bar (default yes)
| valueprefix     = text that is placed before the value in the bar
| valuepostfix    = text that is placed after the value in the bar
| border          = define the look of the border for the bar
| valuecolorleft  = the text color when the value is displayed on the left
| valuecolorright = the text color when the value is displayed on the right
| barcolor        = the color of the bar
| backcolor       = the color of the "void" area on the right of the bar
| maxbarcolor     = the color of the bar if "value" is equal to "max"
| maxvaluecolorleft = the color of the text over the bar if "value" is equal to "max"
| attributes        = other attributes of the bar

Example[edit source]

{{Graph/Horizontal Bar
| max = 100
| min = 0
| value = 35
| width = 100
| height = 11
| showvalue = yes